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Post by GazMaN »

Surge wrote: this is a horrible idea...

Its giving into the whining and complaining of n00bs and ripping the flaming players (and there are a LOT of them) away from the community. Soon you will be stuck with the trainers, their trainees who have a very VERY limited amount of game play experience and knowledge and who ever is left from the flamers (which wont be many) cause even while learning your still a n00b.

As a flamer of n00bs myself (to some degree, i mostly just bitch at my computer screen about them) i would pick up and leave if i saw an influx of n00bs from this "Deathball 101" class enter the game.

A n00b is a n00b is a n00b and only experience can change that. Thats why deathballs going down the poop chute, too many n00b friendly people who ruin the game for those of us who actually know what they're doing and don't want to play with some corndog.

Just because you took 1 or 2 drivers ed. classes doent mean i'd ride in the car with you.

LMAO!! does surge even read the posts before him, or does he tap reply, then bash the keyboard for 4 paragraphs of drivel???

if the stick we`re holding had 2 right ends , ud still get the wrong one :rolleyes:

oh and @ gim! anytime m8, and if u wanna u culd always just put an .:AoV:. infront of ur name and mmmmmmm "watch" from between the goals :D :lol:
Last edited by GazMaN on 20-05-2003 16:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by [1234]Jr »

:lol: gim, boost goals arent a bug, cY13 love them, it'll be in DB forever :D
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Its a shame really, but I will have to see the keeper improvements.

If they arent an advantage increase of any sort, then there wont be any point in having keepers anymore =).
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Post by Maegrim »

GazMaN wrote: "watch" from between the goals :D :lol:

only watching, no touching or kicking ;)
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Post by Surge »

Actually in NA were desperate for new players, not sheep trained at some basics course.

Your teaching new players how to be a sheep and putting blinders on them. One thing DB lacks is originality, and that cant be taught no matter how hard you try.

Everyone in NA pretty much has a unique skill to them that makes them good players. You can give me a whole list of NA players and i can probably tell you something that each and every one of them does differently, none of which needed to be trained to play deathball.

Theres a difference between reading a manual and taking a crash course. I can read the manual and figure out that right click is pass, holding left click is shoot, banana shots, sprinting, basics. So now i ask whats the point of this? All your doing is catoring to idiots too ignorant to read the manual.
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Post by Wibble »

This ones in answer to Gims question about "boost goals" or whatever you call them :) :)

The only way I can see to defend against them (and the only way I've ever had success with) is as a defender, to anticipate, stand on the edge of the area, and jump to hit them as the enter (and hoepfully just before they shoot). It does work.......sometimes!!!

Oh, and are a complete nob-end who doesnt seem to have a clue. If its done right, the academy idea will do wonders.
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Post by L33FY »

Ye surge. Its all about NA.
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Post by Chrisfu »

Surge wrote: Actually in NA were desperate for new players, not sheep trained at some basics course.

Your teaching new players how to be a sheep and putting blinders on them. One thing DB lacks is originality, and that cant be taught no matter how hard you try.

Everyone in NA pretty much has a unique skill to them that makes them good players. You can give me a whole list of NA players and i can probably tell you something that each and every one of them does differently, none of which needed to be trained to play deathball.

Theres a difference between reading a manual and taking a crash course. I can read the manual and figure out that right click is pass, holding left click is shoot, banana shots, sprinting, basics. So now i ask whats the point of this? All your doing is catoring to idiots too ignorant to read the manual.
Don't talk to me about blinkers. What is blinding is your ignorance.

We ask for applicants that already know the basics. What we aim to do is not to teach them ANYTHING. We're not here to force-feed lessons to them. We're here to give tips, pointers, answers or opinions to any questions asked. We're here to give them something that usually takes an age to gain: experience.

We're giving them practical experiance, on a plate. We're not asking for thank-yous, arse-licking or blind loyalty. Infact, we're not asking for anything. The players develop their own skills, and we simply fill in the blanks. We merely accellerate their progress.

To break it down into the simplest of terms: we're welcoming new players into the community, and creating a place where inexperienced players can belong. If that sounds stupid to you, then go play fucking Counter-Strike.
Last edited by Chrisfu on 21-05-2003 22:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GazMaN »


your a tard!!

here, have a cookie

to be honest, you really have got absolutely no clue to wat your talking about!
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Post by Surge »

Chrisfu wrote: Don't talk to me about blinkers. What is blinding is your ignorance.

We ask for applicants that already know the basics. What we aim to do is not to teach them ANYTHING. We're not here to force-feed lessons to them. We're here to give tips, pointers, answers or opinions to any questions asked. We're here to give them something that usually takes an age to gain: experience.

We're giving them practical experiance, on a plate. We're not asking for thank-yous, arse-licking or blind loyalty. Infact, we're not asking for anything. The players develop their own skills, and we simply fill in the blanks. We merely accellerate their progress.

To break it down into the simplest of terms: we're welcoming new players into the community, and creating a place where inexperienced players can belong. If that sounds stupid to you, then go play fucking Counter-Strike.

Main Entry: 1ex·pe·ri·ence
Pronunciation: ik-'spir-E-&n(t)s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin experientia act of trying, from experient-, experiens, present participle of experiri to try, from ex- + -periri (akin to periculum attempt) -- more at FEAR
Date: 14th century
1 a : direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge b : the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation
2 a : practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct observation of or participation in events or in a particular activity b : the length of such participation <has 10 years experience in the job>
3 a : the conscious events that make up an individual life b : the events that make up the conscious past of a community or nation or mankind generally
4 : something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through
5 : the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality

theres no such thing as "experience on a plate". Experience is gained through, say it with me, "Direct observation and/or participation".

When the floor drops out on this idea, i hope you land on Pungi poles kthnx.
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Post by fro »

Surge wrote: Experience is gained through, say it with me, "Direct observation and/or participation".

and thats what theyre given... its not a hold your hand walkthrough.

in future remember this before posting: READ, THINK, then POST.
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Post by Rens2Sea »

[1234]Jr wrote: :lol: gim, boost goals arent a bug, cY13 love them, it'll be in DB forever :D

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Post by GazMaN »

Chrisfu wrote:
We're not giving them lessons, we're giving them PRACTICAL EXPERIANCE ON A PLATE. We give them regular scrims, against excellent opposition, on a regular basis. They play all their games as a team, from the same pool of players every time.

surge , wat part of that dont you understand???

how is that not gaining expeirience???

have a think about it before you go running off to a dictionary again to try and look clever!!!
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Post by Surge »

We're not giving them lessons
meaning your not taking them in game and showing them stuff cause that would be a LESSON, do you need a definition for that? but then I say:
Experience is gained through, say it with me, "Direct observation and/or participation".
meaning they actually HAVE TO PLAY THE DAMN GAME.

but then froste says:
and thats what theyre given...

kthnx get-your-story-straight bye
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Post by Jeffro »

Surge...Are you 12 or is that just your state of cognitive abilities?