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Posted: 19-03-2007 16:36
by DaRkReApEr
now thats better

Posted: 21-03-2007 16:22
by Fooman
I'm still alive!

Hey night, good to see you again. Good times back in the day.

SoP, L7, NS, RusH ftw.

Posted: 21-03-2007 17:03
by DoMmeh``
get more people \o/ ^

Posted: 22-03-2007 01:23
by Shinobi
Fooman wrote: I'm still alive!

Hey night, good to see you again. Good times back in the day.

SoP, L7, NS, RusH ftw.

I should put more C4 next time :devil:

Posted: 25-03-2007 09:51
by TFO_Viper
\o/ TFO 4 Life \o/

Posted: 29-03-2007 00:26
by Jerkoff

Posted: 29-03-2007 12:15
by BL44T

Posted: 29-03-2007 13:12
by DoMmeh``
yay :D come all back <3

lately i surfed through old db forums and ladders and leagues and stuff....kerm showed me...very impressive im so sad that the best or most alive db i know is how it is atm

Posted: 04-04-2007 16:42
by GoldenGun
chk chk chk

Posted: 06-04-2007 00:26
by theberkin8or
Priior good to know you are still playing. Wish I could try the new version but I am in middle of no where Japan teaching English (laugh) and I can't get broadband :(

foo btw remember that thread on dbcenter where everyone thought I was an idiot about the war in iraq. I was right. ;-) Good job [BusH]

Posted: 17-04-2007 05:30
by madmansk
*Tear* the memories *Tear*

Posted: 17-04-2007 09:42
by DavidM
what did you say about it back then berk?

Posted: 17-04-2007 10:16
by theberkin8or
I believe the list was:

we didn't know if they had WMDs (+1 berk)

was likely to cause civil war due to the sectarian make up of Iraq (+1 berk)

would create more terrorist (+1 berk)

would increase not decrease terrorism (harder to measure)

possibly other things were not as correct but I don’t remember them (funny how memory works that way)

btw it didn't take a genius to guess these things would happen

Posted: 17-04-2007 10:45
by DavidM
and does it take a genius to guess what will happen now they sent in more troops? (now its back to how many they had there in the start...) :P

Posted: 17-04-2007 10:59
by DavidM
or as michael moore said:
"Another few thousand is simply not enough to find those weapons of mass destruction! Er, I mean... bringing those responsible for 9/11 to justice! Um, scratch that. Try this -- BRING DEMOCRACY TO THE MIDDLE EAST! YES!!!"