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Posted: 14-01-2007 21:33
by RaGe|DB
harhar! its so cool I can call myself old school!

hi o/

Posted: 15-01-2007 15:05
by DoMmeh``
haha i cant

Posted: 17-01-2007 18:57
by [1234]Jr
Can I?

Posted: 17-01-2007 19:58
by Catalyst
You're positively decrepit! And howcome you've turned up round here again? :)

Posted: 17-01-2007 21:06
by DavidM
old school is more like.....been there SINCE then :P

Posted: 17-01-2007 23:03
by Axl :) should bring back some memories :)

Posted: 18-01-2007 10:10
by [1234]Jr
Catalyst wrote: You're positively decrepit! And howcome you've turned up round here again? :)

I leap from forum to forum, putting right what once went wrong, hoping the next leap.. will be the leap home..

I just check up on you lot, I miss DB but I dont think it's as popular as it was on the old "public" front.. I installed all the stuff yesterday, looked online... 1 server with 6/6 (pug, duh) and 1 server with just the 1 guy on.

I started a botmatch, though.. just to test it all out. Seems fine. I'll let you lot carry on ;)

I'd join IRC again and probably start playin if it wasnt for the fact I'd probably give up again cos I end up having so much work on. I couldn't put you all through that heartache again!

Posted: 18-01-2007 12:26
by Fragger
oh man Axl, brings back alot. When deathball had more than 2 maps.

p.s: omfg Icedemon. I had completely forgotten about that map. It was awesome! shame we wont see it <del>ever again</del> anytime soon

edit: needs more jr's photoshop skills :lol:

Posted: 18-01-2007 13:28
by RaGe|DB
haha scary stuff, just looking at pics of the maps gave me a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside!

Posted: 18-01-2007 19:24
by Morning*Star
i seem to remember doing sunday morning ice demon pickup marathons. crazy stuff

Posted: 18-01-2007 19:44
by klesk
DB-Tribun is actually my favorite map ever.
loved that one!

now what about DB-Sediment? hahahah

Posted: 19-01-2007 19:58
by [1234]Jr
Fragger wrote: edit: needs more jr's photoshop skills :lol:

I stopped doing photoshop stuff now, it's sad really.. not had a lot of time. So as a peace offering.. have this old one. I'll have to up a couple of these on image shack or something seeing as I dont have proper hosting anymore :(

Posted: 19-01-2007 20:04
by [1234]Jr
Didn't take me long to do..

I've kept all these, ah memories..

- and why not?

- LOL the fun we had with that sign maker.. well, I had fun!

- I love him really... :shifty:

- Rino mak teh best defend. Where is he now?

Posted: 19-01-2007 20:12
by Fragger
lmfao!!!! classics

Posted: 20-01-2007 10:46
by Catalyst
I don't need no steekin' taxi.... I take the bus, 'cause I'm a poor student :(
