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Posted: 08-05-2003 01:53
by beefsack
i can see one good thing about diab's idea, ppl would try to get as close as they can to full power because of the difference it would make to shot power. maybe there can be a mix of the two ideas where the line starts and ends steeply, and levels out a bit in the middle. also, the maximum shot power could be increased, so it would be possible to release a more powerful normal shot, but it is a bit risky. maybe even the shot power meter can speed up towards the powerful end?

maybe shot speed could be increased a bit, but at the power end of the meter there is like an inaccurate zone, where it is possible to launch a powerful shot, but it is a little bit inaccurate, but still a viable option for a shot. just throwing up some ideas :)

Posted: 08-05-2003 01:59
by Rampart
suggested in the dribble thread... (the part about it being defined by an equation similar to y=x^3 shifted up and to the right)

However, DM does not want an increase in maximum shot power (again, from dribble thread)

Posted: 08-05-2003 03:11
by Lemmeloose2000
The green would Suck ass, ilike the red idea alot. mybe have a configurable option in the menu or sommit?

Posted: 08-05-2003 04:08
by beefsack
lol, i gave up on the dribble thread ages ago :p

something needs to be done about offence tho, defence is way to powerful atm

Posted: 08-05-2003 06:58
by Kyllian
Good idea? Yes
Viable idea? Not really
It looks like it could take up to twice as long to charge up to full power

Posted: 08-05-2003 07:46
by Rampart
"It looks like it could take up to twice as long to charge up to full power"

what? To reach full power, it takes the smae time. Both lines meet at the same point (max charge)

The shot reachest viable shot power nearly twice as fast.

We are both talking about the proposed Red Curve compared to the current blue line right?

Posted: 08-05-2003 16:56
by DavidM
those who like it now will totally hate it once they used it