NA League....DavidM or Bazzi

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Post by Bazzi »

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Post by gnomeh »

surge, the reason is cause of the difference in skill is so high. Also, most teams, if they lose 1-2 games they quit...which if your clan can't handle that, they should quit ;p
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Dream Killer
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Post by Dream Killer »

Agreed. Newer clans have to realize that you have to take some lumps and get some expereince before you can expect to compete with the elite clans.
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Post by [V3]Sin »

Agreed. Newer clans have to realize that you have to take some lumps and get some expereince before you can expect to compete with the elite clans.

Fuck dat v3 started pwnage off tha bat as a new clan dont hate i win KTHX NEXT!
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Post by Surge »

^ dumbass
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Post by Dream Killer »

Yes V3 did Sin. However, V3 was formed by some of the best DB players out there. I mean you guys basically got the last really few really good pub players that hadn't joined a clan, and then just brought in a lot of people from bigger clans. Most newer clans don't have the luxury of just bringing in a ton of great players. They have to start with some solid players, build up a rep and then try to recruit and get better. So yes V3 started winning immediately as you so eloquently stated :rolleyes:, but don't look down upon newer clans who weren't as fortunate as you guys were.
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Post by [V3]Sin »

nope when we first started we were all noobies to clans for db me xelent bodom bullet inc, we pwnage with this but needed more players so we can make it to every match:) thats tha pwnage 5 that never lost to any clan kthx i win whos next!
but don't look down upon newer clans who weren't as fortunate as you guys were. your right heh lucky us
Last edited by [V3]Sin on 21-05-2003 19:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gnomeh »

3 things...

1)v3 has talked about helping the community (not sure if itll happen tho)...
I know I helped a few keeps out there learn some nice tricks...(I would help ya rahsun, but frosty knows my ask him :))
2)we do pwn
3)sin is an idiot and anything he says please take as a joke or just hit ur head against ur desk and go OMFG!! HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO STUPID?!?!
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Post by Surge »


1) lol, frosty's so n00b... guess things never change ;)

the only real reason V3 made is because of 2 things:

the split of S6 (Incubus and Bullet i believe) and the break up of L7 (JJ (for a while), Zan and yourself Gnome (i think))

Xel and Bodom are 2 good offensive players but thats all V3 started as and 2 players cant win a game no matter how hard they try.
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Post by [V3]Sin »

3)sin is an idiot and anything he says please take as a joke or just hit ur head against ur desk and go OMFG!! HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO STUPID?!?!
:) yeh well ok your so smart gnomeh your tha king ill bow down to tha nerd virgin lil 15 year old kid ill bow to you when deez nutz are pumped:)
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Post by gnomeh »

haha sin...u better bow :)
and i left db a month (or 2) before l7 split, no matter now tho :)
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Post by [V3]Sin »

your god kthx i win whos next!
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Post by hiausd »

What I don't understand, and this may come off as rude but I'm serious, is how some of those clans like [BF] or VII can play for sooooo long and never become as good as rush or v3
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Post by gnomeh »

it isnt time, its how u understand the game and the teamwork
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Post by hiausd »

After 5 months shouldn't you be able to understand the game pretty well :confused: :o