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Post by Shinobi »

DavidM wrote: shinobi: mister. we are playing with it for 8 months. you are not.

Played it long enough to make a good judgment ;)
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Post by DavidM »

see, that's the point. we both know you really didn't test it properly...
you wouldnt even have a chance, unless you joined lots of matches in #dbpickup

lets get the discussion on a higher level than this. it's fooling imo
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Post by Shinobi »

if you really believe that playing a 3v3 in smallcube with those huge nets is "fun" especially for a keep(I don't care how big his volley radius is)than yes I don't get it.

I tried all sort of styles, from reg pubs to 3v3s to 5v5/6v6 mixers.
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Post by Ker]v[et »

Shinobi wrote: if you really believe that playing a 3v3 in smallcube with those huge nets is "fun" especially for a keep(I don't care how big his volley radius is)than yes I don't get it.

Hi, i am mainly a Keep and i like Keeping in 2.4 alot. I like playing 3on3 from time to time for the speed it has! And it is fun, belive me :)

Also i remember one 3on3 the last days that ended with 6-8 (20 min limit) so thats not alot goals and the attack played well!

I remeber the most first 2.4 3on3 games..we always played with a goallimit of 20 and no timelimit at all where the game ended in about 15-25 mins in that first games. After few weeks it was about 30-40 and so on.. and my record was (the last score-limit-game I've played) 50 mins. GG! Now if the teams aren't that unfair (hello unexperienced Keepers its not that hard ;) ) we never reach 20 goals in 20 mins (its about 10/15 I would guess)

Its cool to think back of that progress, shame i have no images tho (bet some others have)

In my opinion 3on3 has been more fun now (a reason why i dont like playing 2.3 3on3's)

Ahh before i forget, we play SmallcubeSE which is quite different to the normal version.

Last edited by Ker]v[et on 29-05-2006 07:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

(smallcubese just takes out some speed and makes it less random)
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Post by fb.shev »

more random if i might add davidm.. the top walls would be better off straight IMO.. (although my worst point in keeping is airal manouvers).

1.) 2.4c is the future.. as noone will improve 2.3
2.) It doesn't really matter if the N/A liked 2.4c, because if the mixer was 2.4c it makes no effect on the euro side... if a keeper joined dbpickup and added k, then the theory that ant made comes into place IMO (my keeper is better, we win) purely because of the ping, and you need to a sane keeper to judge the timing of volley, as prodomantly all saves are done by volleying IMO....and if not thed get 100ms warp, which is too drastic in 2.4c.
And Euros play mixers anyway...but i dont see euro keepers, they would suck as per usual when crossing contenants.

what i find with 2.4c is the problem of goalside and non goalside defending..

if one defender decides to attack the ballcarrier, a quick pass to the attacker being marked, then to the open player..thus 1v1.

if the defender doesnt attack ballcarrier and decides to stay goalside... the attackers can push the defenders back to PBOX camping, giving the ballcarrier (in 3v3 probably the keeper) a 1v1 chance of scoring without the luck of deflections.

oh and i've seen here that people find that keeping is hard..... NOT TRUE! its by far easier, theres no *omg saved!!lies!shananigans!*, and its easier for the attacker. gg 2.4 <3
Keepers just need to get used to it, it doesnt take long, probably 2 matchs to get used to keeping. you can find, an attacker will be better at keeping.. as they are good volleyers.. depending on there dodging. take rico, strafe, davidm, messy... they were attackers used to volleying, thus better in goal.

Yes i'd like to see the goal reduce by about (say if the goal now is 100%) 20%.
Because everything shot near the box, NEEDS to be volleyed off.
I'd like to have the possibilty of catching it too.... if i dont, goal... works both ways.
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Post by Twigstir »

DavidM wrote: shinobi: mister. we are playing with it for 8 months. you are not.

And for around 6 of those months:

Number of 2.4 games played in the NA > Number of 2.4 games played in Euro land.
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Post by fb.shev »

Twigstir wrote: And for around 6 of those months:

Number of 2.4 games played in the NA > Number of 2.4 games played in Euro land.

You're so not fucking funny. O_o
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Post by InSaNe` »

fb.shev wrote: You're so not fucking funny. O_o

Uhh.. that's a fact. We played many many 2.4 games and it was just trash.

You think we randomly spew out our opinions? Sorry, we don't. We've played 2.4, and we've deemed it a horrible version.
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Post by Scorplex »

Twigstir wrote: And for around 6 of those months:

Number of 2.4 games played in the NA > Number of 2.4 games played in Euro land.

i cannot believe that as a dbmixer idler

seems like nas think that we have no pickups at all in eu or no 5v5s o_O

and im curious how you explain that many 2.4 haters in eu turned to be 2.4c lovers now.....

an european miracle which cant be made in na?
Last edited by Scorplex on 29-05-2006 19:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

Didn't the NA people play with smaller goals in your own custom map? :)

That's not exactly trying '2.4' is it?

Throughout all 8 of those months we've had a lot of 2.4 games with the goals we now love.

Now I'm not going to add many more of my elaborate thoughts, since I've pretty much described my view on the evolution from 2.3 to 2.4 in my essayesque post (which I guess nobody has read since nobody seems to be replying to it o_O shame :().

It truly hurts seeing NA players play 2.4 :( but in the end, it's not my problem I guess.
And if it makes you guys happy, that's a good thing :)

Also, shev: I was mainly a defender..and I'm still not at all good at volleying as an attacker.

Keeping an sich has just become way less luck-dependant, hence even people like me can learn how to do it decently now :)
And hurray for that.

An attack-centric community might not like 2.4, but from a defender and keeper's point of view I can say it truly seems more balanced (in a non-artificial way).
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Post by fb.shev »

....not from what ive seen :p<3 watever.

don't be such a pessimist messy, i read your post. not much to reply to though.

And no, really, NA did _not_ play more 2.4c that EU
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Post by Twigstir »

Twigstir wrote: And for around 6 of those months:

Number of 2.4 games played in the NA > Number of 2.4 games played in Euro land.

I simply stated the truth. Doesn't matter if you like it or not, it's still the truth. And here is another simple truth incase someone actually believes Messy's usual lies:

And for about 6 of those months:

Number of 2.4 games played in the NA with 2.4 goals > Number of 2.4 games played in Euro land with 2.4 goals.

2.4c hasn't been out for 8 months. But keep working on those excuses. It still won't change the simple truth above.

It is nice to see that the Euro community has come alive as of late and is enjoying 2.4c.
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Post by DavidM »

that ain't trueish :P
2.4 is out for 8 months, and from day one we've been playing countless matches everyday, and just heared from NA that nobody is playing it because it sucks.
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Post by Twigstir »

You slammed Shinobi with an "I know" which is a lot different than a "just heared".

- The NA played a shit load of 2.4 with 2.4 goals and didn't like it as much as 2.3. So what! Why must you guys make crap up, lie, and slam people for anything that is different than your exact likings. You guys do it all the time and it's soo sad.

The NA probably (and this is my opinion but I believe it's correct) would have stayed with 2.4 if boosting and .2s had been closer to 2.3. You may agree or disagree with the opinions and choices of the NA but, why lie and worse, use lies to slam others. There is no need for that crap.

You can be respected for having a different opinion. But, you lose all respect for lieing.
Last edited by Twigstir on 30-05-2006 04:01, edited 1 time in total.