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Posted: 04-05-2003 02:10
by mannyfresh027
i stopped playing DB 2 or 3 weeks ago

Posted: 04-05-2003 08:56
by DiStUrbeD
I only play on occasion nowdays...simply cuz all the pub games have got the "Volley only - SmallCube" got old, fast.

I only play now for occasional practice, warmups, and league games...other then that, i'm wandering aimlessly around my house...its more fun than DB nowdays.

Posted: 04-05-2003 10:03
by Panda{FCU}
David does try hard to implement what we want but theres usually a split opinion in the community so when he implements the change - half the community bitches about it.

Also, David has very little control over general feeling in the community or the situation of the league and in my opinion its those two things that are threatening to bring us down

Posted: 04-05-2003 11:38
by GazMaN
personally, i cant get enough of deathball \o/

Posted: 04-05-2003 11:49
by Maegrim
me neither \o/

though i hate pubs

Posted: 04-05-2003 11:49
Agrees with gazman, I think the latest version is great fun.

note: Id rather have teamplay than them ego dribblers being reborn.

Posted: 04-05-2003 21:43
by L33FY
note: Argreeage with jode :o

Posted: 05-05-2003 11:36
by nameless
i like playing db cos it s fun. And one very important thing for me: No cheaters (accept davidm *fg*)! Join an UT1, UT2, CS, quake or whatever game and u often start thinking "That can t be normal". I hate cheaters like hell, play fair or fuck off. That s the point for db, cos what u wanna do with those cheats?

aimbot: U can t shoot anyone without ball and u gotta stay right beside to hit someone with ball, so useless

wallhack: Which walls u wanna look through??

Radar: Implemented allready

brightskins: hm, still wondering bout this point. UT2-dm use those stupid ttm-brightskins cos the normal models can t be seen *lol* Didn t read any complainment bout that in db o_O

I like the gamestyle, and as u don t need to think bout cheaters it s much more fun.

Posted: 05-05-2003 11:45
by Chrisfu
The more I think about it, the more I think that 1.7 should just be a gun upgrade release. An upgrade the size of the current 1.7 needs to be well thought out before release.

By the way, you should package Cube 2.0b as Midcube or something in the next release. Half of the reason Deathball is getting boring for me is LowCube. Sure, having a high FPS is nice, but a bit of atmosphere is nicer. I've been playing more pubgames JUST to play some Cube.

Cube 2.2 = Cube
Cube 2.0b = MidCibe
LowCube 1.0 = LowCube

I know what most teams will pick for sure.

Posted: 05-05-2003 12:30
by Aftermath2k
I play to learn, to own, and to get owned... (The last happens more than i would like to admit)...It seems that the new version still rocks...I mean what other fps do you know of that has a great sports game running on its engine...

Besides, DB takes the need to constantly kill out of UT2k3 and replaces it with good old teamwork, timing, and skill...I mean think about it...It takes 100x the skill to own a goalie and 2 defenders on an amazing volley...

Anyways, thats why I play...

(P.S. My DB name is The_SLayer)

Posted: 05-05-2003 19:21
I play cause it's fun. I dig it. It's kinda like living a foos ball game. I love exploring all the nuances of gameplay, finding new tricks and techniques. For those of you who don't like it anymore, specifically Scourge, Fuck Off.

Posted: 05-05-2003 19:46
by Killing_U
i play db because it is fun and it relaxes me though it is beginning to get old

i think that a new variety of maps and mutators such as gib ball would make the game more enjoyable and people would play for longer :)

Posted: 05-05-2003 20:11
by Fallen
Personally, I still like the game, and I used to play it as my most favorite. But after PlanetSide was released, well...most from america know this game is pwnage, and deathball has become 2nd rate for me. I loved the game when it was ego-driven players, wat davidm coulda done is to leave dribbling in, but reduce the amount of times you could have dribbled like when you jump when sprint is activated. But, the lead of the dev team went in another direction, and thru his actions, its in his power to find out what could save the mod and bring it back to the fun factor we had a few months ago. But, the biggest factor other than its not that fun as before, its become too routine.

Posted: 05-05-2003 22:05
by Inphidel
I love the game but i'm deffinately tired of small cube volly only games.. we need more maps with new twists to them. not just another big square with two goals and different atmosphere... the community is killing deathball by not trying new maps... atleast for pubs... if pubs die, db will ultimately die as a mod..

Posted: 05-05-2003 22:16
by DaJero
Everytime a popular mod releases a new version which introduces new elements to the gameplay, the community gets divided...

Everytime a manufacturer releases a new product, some people will like it, some people will not...

That's life :). Just tell your complaints on a nice way. The 100th thread about how deathball sucks just doens't work.

Now to answer the question this thread was started about. I love DB because it's one of those pure teamplay mods which can be great fun when playing with a good team. Unfortunately I don't have the time to join a clan :(. I love handball a lot and I play basketball. Deathball is just a great ball sport I can play anytime I feel like playing it. And if you actually wonder why you haven't seen me playing online, I don't use 2COOL4-U to play DeathBall.