Old men gamers....

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Post by Surge »

wow, i actually find it hard to find people that are as young as i am in NA... i'm pretty sure either [Rush]Nihility or Mantel are the youngest...

i think on of the guys that used to be on WKD was the oldest i know.... Thex was like 51 or sumthin...
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Post by FAT('.')BOY »

32 and I hate kids
even my own 2 the little buggers.... j/k

p.s. being a parent gives more time for games, certainly aint going out nowhere =)

*remembers when this was all fields*
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Re: Old men gamers....

Post by R3L!K »

Rhinosaur wrote: I can't help but feel like a relic out there

Imagine how i feel.

im almost 26 btw
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Post by Blitz »

I guess am sort of in the middle. I am 19 and a college student. Not a little brat, but not quite out on my own all the way either.
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Post by Desaster »

30, in one month 31.

Playing DB when girlfriend is watching
gzsz, her fav TV show.

But I am fully agree the other old guys,
play more after 22.00.!

Then the Kids are mostly disappeard ;)
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

I get about 1 hour a night to either play or edit maps while the misses is watching her soaps. That's one reason I like Mondays, I get 2 hours then! :D