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Posted: 20-10-2005 21:30
by Kisa
Play a file? :eek: I didn't need any player ...

Posted: 20-10-2005 21:36
by frkyjenn
Me either..

Posted: 20-10-2005 21:37
by frkyjenn
You know.. I was just thinking about something.

The people who haven't completed notpron shouldn't play this riddle until they are finished.

Much easier that way.

Posted: 20-10-2005 21:38
by Kisa
Oh yes :)

Posted: 20-10-2005 23:00
by Rincewind SW
frkyjenn wrote: You know.. I was just thinking about something.

The people who haven't completed notpron shouldn't play this riddle until they are finished.

Much easier that way.

I won't finish notpr0n! Don't be ridiculous! Anyway as soon as I heard the file I realised I was wrong and am now trying the other stuff in the source, can't figure it out though. I found 2 hints which must be related. But yes, I am stuck. :mad:

Posted: 20-10-2005 23:17
by frkyjenn
why won't you ever finish notpron?

Posted: 21-10-2005 00:45
by Messy
Stuck on 7 :(

Posted: 21-10-2005 00:45
by frkyjenn
PM me

Posted: 21-10-2005 00:54
by veryhardgame
I can't beat 10. I was so sure I would have a cookie from the page but I didn't get one so I have no idea.

Posted: 21-10-2005 00:58
by frkyjenn
I believe it's a glitch. Kisa and I never found one either.

People on IRC found it this morning.. but noone I 've talked to can get it to happen again.

Posted: 21-10-2005 00:59
by veryhardgame
So the level is impossible now? Did you beat it?

Posted: 21-10-2005 01:00
by Kisa
Someone in the ankh-forum said, you can find it out without a cookie.
There's something in the source. Find it and identify it as a ... (fill in what it is, it's a bit of guessing)

Posted: 21-10-2005 01:02
by frkyjenn
*runs back to check the source*

Posted: 21-10-2005 01:12
by Kisa
pm sent

Posted: 21-10-2005 01:35
by Messy
Pff ;p spent some time on 7.

Same thing I had with not-pr0n: so much fun to do :D but I can never find the time to actually concentrate on one level too long /o\ (well, the problem is; I can..but I need my sleep/study/etc. :p)

So I'm going to do 8 tomorrow..

(..yeah right ;p)

ps: If anyone's interested, my notes:
lol :D (ps, I was doubting myself so much I even had to verify it for myself by writing it in my own language ¬_¬)