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Posted: 30-09-2005 18:35
by vengyr
hi david first time I see you online. thanks for this game.

btw since no body said anything about tricks yet..

the so called dog tricks. if things you learn are tricks then... isnt everything you just typed a trick?

Posted: 30-09-2005 18:39
by DavidM
notpron is "learning AND putting useless computer knowledge to use" ;)

Posted: 30-09-2005 18:40
by vengyr
yep david it sure is. btw any idea for a good alternative for photoshop? since my reinstall from windows I dont have it anymore and stuck on a lvl where I need it ^^;

Posted: 30-09-2005 18:41
by Orio
i got both photoshop and gimp, and i think gimp is better.


Posted: 30-09-2005 18:43
by vengyr
oke thanks orio :)

Posted: 30-09-2005 18:44
by Orio
Np ;)

Posted: 30-09-2005 22:07
by Kisa
That'll teach you to have backups for all your programs and data ;)

Btw, I knew what source code is when I started this game, but this game taught me to dig deeper for hints, clues and data, everywhere :)
Can be very helpful, even if you're trying to solve some offline problem!

Posted: 01-10-2005 04:59
by eddy_aus
Thanks, frkyjenn.

And to the thread starter, when the first fish wiggled it's way out of the water onto dry land, do you think the first thing that went through it's mind was:

"WTF? Why isn't there any water? There should have been a disclaimer about this. I couldn't possible survive out here! Bah! What a waste of time. I quit!"

A gazillion years later, take a guess as to which species is at the top of the food chain.
I'll give you a hint; they learned to adapt.

Hmmm, success by adapting to unfamiliar territory...
By God! It's just crazy enough to work!

Posted: 01-10-2005 09:54
by DavidM
btw, I love this quote, I'm gonna put it on the front page
"You don't have to be a computer nerd to through the levels.
Just gotta be a quick learner and more importantly, willing to learn."

Posted: 01-10-2005 10:02
by Orio
Well said!
