Yeah as a fresh team created pretty much 'after' the start of the whole league, it was obvious we didn't dare to plunge into official matches just like that ;p
So we did a friendly versus WW and 18+, and two random pickup matches.
Won the friendlies but lost the pugs :s
Hoping I get home early tomorrow so we can play some matches
very annoying (j/k) match against HSS...15 minutes very was 5:5 at that time..jeesus, closes match ever at that time...but then we finally got used to them and started scoring.
like last match we won the match in the last 5 minutes. was a good fun match
DavidM wrote:
remember there are no real rules. so i as admin can do whatever the fuck i want. and i will feel free to exclude annoying persons when they act like shit :S
agree @ cata.
The more you speak, the more i think you have problem to understand the word "democracy"