Funny pictures made working on puzzles

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Post by aic2276 »

I also made this for the level one thread when I thought DavidM was watching us over there. Click here to view
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Post by nighthawk263 »

well atleast I don't feel bad having made this one a while back.
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Post by aic2276 »

yours is better than mine.

Post by junimond_ »


cool ones - thanks for sharing - i like to see david squinting at his nose :D

deleted my snowflakes - but i'll redo it during the weekend :)
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Post by Nicky »

Last edited by Nicky on 02-06-2005 19:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JM »

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Post by Kisa »

Like Junimond coloring snowflakes :D
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Post by Sam_Atoms »

Well, time for my confession I guess.

This represented an actual and earnest attempt to find a riddle's answer. The fact that I am posting this shows how much trust I have in you as a community.

Needless to say, when I figured this one out I felt like kicking myself in the head.
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Post by Kisa »

Nice :)
Print it out and put it on the wall :D
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Post by Sam_Atoms »

Yeah, that would be fun to explain when the folks visit.....

"Oh, hi Mom, that's .... errrrrrrr .... I've gotten interested in making abstract art recently...."

"But what's the twisted number in the corner?"

"Oh, well, actually, I've been playing this game called notpr0n and ..... I ........ um ......."

".......... Not WHAT?!?!"
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Post by Kisa »

You could say, it's your fourth trial, and you felt so negative about it :)
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Post by Sam_Atoms »

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Post by ladytango »

Nice picture, Sam_Atoms. I've been allergic to green fried eggs ever since I did that level, lol
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Rincewind SW
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Post by Rincewind SW »

I just made this one at annoyance of how blindly obvious and stupid level 22 was. It's a bit of a rubbish parody. It has elements of the early levels in too. I mainly made it because I'm trying to get to grips with photoshop more.
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Post by Faldion »

Didn't get me the answer :D
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