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Posted: 23-04-2005 18:34
by Springer
It took me a while but I LOVED it and even managed it with Mother here!!! It probably helped that I had to keep taking breaks to "see" to her :lol:

Posted: 23-04-2005 20:40
by Jay2k1
Oh.....thx once again :)


Posted: 23-04-2005 22:55
by aic2276
Nice on Jay.

Posted: 25-04-2005 02:27
by Enia
Another nice temp end...hope it will stay as it is for some more days. :)

A tribute to stranger's riddle also ;)

Posted: 25-04-2005 05:53
by Kamerolifant
I experience the same thing. I'm glad to have finished another level - but every time I refresh the temp end I fear that there's a new level (knowing I want to solve it ASAP). Often that means I'll be missing some hours of sleep...

Does that mean I'm addicted? =)

Posted: 25-04-2005 12:24
by subgenius
a good level:p
and another good picture for this level...

Posted: 26-04-2005 07:31
by theak
I was on holiday.
Back now, and yes I gives it a :p

I've been waiting for one like this.

Posted: 26-04-2005 09:35
by Springer
Update on the Mother level:
I made it though and just reached the temp end. :p
As with most levels it turned out not to be so hard as I feared and was very enjoyable after all. :D
She's a new person now she has met her Jay Pack! I just hope he doesn't gif her...... :eek:

Posted: 26-04-2005 12:10
by aic2276
:p congrats springer. The mother level can be difficult for most though. :p

Posted: 26-04-2005 18:59
by iamjustme
Congrats on beating the mother level Springer! Now enjoy a well deserved rest. :)

Posted: 27-04-2005 21:38
by veryhardgame
I need -41

Posted: 07-05-2005 19:00
by Lizardman
Solved!! My first temp-end...i think i'm gonna start to cry! :lol:

Nice one!

Posted: 10-05-2005 00:12
by mattf
i finally made it to tempend! :D

Posted: 12-05-2005 13:58
by jooly
Right, maybe I should take a break before starting this one. I've been powering through the levels and I think my brain is tired. Can't see anything useful.

Posted: 12-05-2005 15:44
by jooly
Nope, still no clue. One for tomorrow, maybe.