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Posted: 06-04-2003 20:02
by Killing_U
thats not how i did it arsehole
this is how i did it and then just let the ball go

Posted: 06-04-2003 22:03
by moonhead
Yup Ive seen something similar.

I'm the keeper.
Shot is fired at me.
I jump to save it, seems like an easy save, and I think I've caught it. Text even comes up saying 'moonhead has the ball'.
Suddenly - GOAL.
Console says:

moonhead has the ball
ball was carried for 0.00 seconds
moonhead scores own goal

I didnt move back at all, and anyway keeper shouldnt be able to walk back into goal.


Posted: 06-04-2003 23:48
by |Shinobu|
keeper latency bug to be exact

errr, i just showed a screenshot and u call me an arsehole... whats ur prob killing_u
the point of the picture that i posted was to show i can get a 0 second shot too
oO chill dude...

Posted: 07-04-2003 00:59
by Killing_U
im just playing with your balls shinobu :);):)

Posted: 07-04-2003 01:30
by |Shinobu|
ewww -_- :ban:

ur puns r sick :p :lol:

Posted: 07-04-2003 03:59
by Large Potato
i guess shinobi wins fastest goal ever, go go infinity metres per second

Posted: 07-04-2003 04:45
by Surge
pfft.. thats nothing... i'v gotten "0.0 secs going 0.0m with speed "unmeasurable"

Posted: 07-04-2003 07:25
by L33FY
^^ Ive got that aswell.

Posted: 07-04-2003 07:30
by Maegrim
i once shot the ball out of november :>
you can do that at the side without the little "bunker"
too bad the ball reset though :(

Posted: 07-04-2003 22:15
by Killing_U
surge & leef how the fuck u get unmeasurable? 1.7 april fools edition?

Posted: 08-04-2003 10:00
by McKenna
Uh, hehe, talking about strange things, we had something funny on a public yesterday or so, on lowcube. Somehow, the Ball fell on the High Wall, and stayed there for a bit. We tried to boost us up, to get the Ball, but after a while it got reset. So, yes bug, but not so dramatic, on a pub at least. In an official match it would be nagging tho :)