Minor Suggestion for 1.7

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Post by smattbac »

Didn't understand what I said or don't see the point with it?

In the lower right radar there's a number next to the ball that says how high it is, I'd like that in the vicinity radar. :)
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The Hermit
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Post by The Hermit »

I certainly don't see the point. If your going to concentrate on radars all the time then there seems little point in have the first person perspective view! ;)
What are you doing, looking at the floor all the time or something? :rolleyes:
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Post by smattbac »

No, I'm keeper, and for example when the attacker shoots the ball at the wall so he can volly it, I run forwards and jump to try and catch/volley the ball, but at the same time keep my view on the attacker so I know where he is.
i.e. the ball will be behind me and I'm looking at the attacker.

In those situations (and others I think) it would be useful to have the ball height thingy in the vicinity radar.
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Post by NaB »

ive asked for this before smat, my suggestion fell on deaf ears tho :\

it would be incredibly useful to have some kind of indication of ball altitude on the centre radar, even if its simply a dark ring around the circle that represents the ball.

the weak arguments against the idea that i got last time were, "just look at the radar at the bottom" and "it would make the centre radar too crowded"

well, the bottom radar has its uses, but its no good for trying to get an idea of where the ball is while you watch something else (ie the oncoming attacker)

and i fail to see how adding a small ring around the circle that represents the ball would overcrowd the centre radar.
The ring would get bigger when the ball is higher (but the total size of the circle wouldnt change, so as the ring gets bigger, the core would just get smaller)
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Post by smattbac »


Maybe your idea would work too.. :)

And you would add an option to turn it off for those who don't want it..
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Post by DavidM »

ah, sounds good
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Post by Twigstir »

I like the new stats in v1.7 but, I don't like that points were removed. Points refects, somewhat, how much contribution you've and others have added to the team. In-game, points is a quick way to rate your play. It was also a quick way to see who you need to pay attention to. The new stats are great but, I would also like a quick reference via points. Please combine the new stats with the point system.
Last edited by Twigstir on 05-04-2003 21:44, edited 1 time in total.
Large Potato
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Post by Large Potato »

or perhaps add the ball height to the hud below the team scores or below the shot power bar or something like that
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Post by Large Potato »

The problem with the points was they penalized attackers and helped defenders & keepers too much.

Here's a regular end game scores ppl would get

Keeper: 120
Good Defender: 115
Midfielder: 75
Noob Defender: 55
Good Striker: 50
Cherrypicking noob: -15
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Post by |Shinobu| »

hehe, i found a little thing with the sprint (1.6)
if u time ur jump in such a way that u release the sprint at the same time as you jump, u get to jump like u would with the sprint ON. could be abused or, maybe its because of the server-side thing? if its the lag thats causing this, shouldnt be a problem since its client-side in 1.7... any comments?
*goes to try in single player mode*
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Post by Gobi »

The New Weapon!
Dislike the angle of the new weapon in 1st person view, the grip should be lower.
What about a gas effect when the ball leaves the muzzle.
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Post by DavidM »

points will be gone forever, just beause they didn't mean a shit
when i play good i am at the end of the list, when i play shit i am on top
or the worst player of my team is on top...
happens all the time...that stuff is not judgable by a computer

just showing some facts is better
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

it also seems to always be the keeper on top...

back to the original subject...David did you happen to fix the bug i mentioned?
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Re: Minor Suggestion for 1.7

Post by Dazlin »

DiStUrbeD wrote: I noticed that once you die, you can only jump twice..weather or not you spawn as keep or inside/outside PB.

I was wondering if that was addressed in 1.7? And if not, were you going to fix it?

i never realy noticed this before because i always thought it was just me not hitting the jump key :D but now you say it, its very annoying hope the db team fix it :)
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Just looked at the changes for the versions...
//-When you respawn, spawn or leave keeper you only had 2 jumps, that's now fixed, always 4.

Thanks! :D