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Posted: 26-04-2005 20:21
by Hugob
For sure minus levels are great, and still eccentric riddles are awating u! :p

what do you mean you killed him "cha, cha cha!"

Posted: 30-04-2005 17:53
by MrRoboto
I feel re-born!
And where does the newborn go from here? The net is vast and infinite.

I read Atlas Shrugged, while listening to resturaunt at the end of the universe, while solving NotPron.

Conclusion: Who is Zaphod Galt?


Posted: 01-05-2005 20:34
by youlow1
Pure GENIUS david you are still a god in my eyes :)
on to the negatives

Posted: 22-07-2005 08:57
by guizaun
d00d... 7h47 l3\/3L |<1cK3D m4j0r 455!!!

Posted: 23-07-2005 05:38
by Kaliel
goood LVL!!!!! David is great =) REALLLYYY FUCKING GooooOD LEVEL!!!

Posted: 01-08-2005 16:02
by Faldion
Incredible! Definitely one of my fav levels! Sooo creative...
The negatives, here I come! \o/

Posted: 03-08-2005 00:13
by pic44
\o/ AHA!!!!
well... 81 wasn't as difficult as 72 :D
and now.. "TEH dark side"!

Posted: 08-11-2005 09:44
by HtheB
im busy four more than a month.. still not found it :(

Posted: 08-11-2005 09:49
by Kisa
A month for whole notpron, I assume, this level isn't that hard!

Posted: 09-11-2005 23:05
by HtheB
HtheB wrote: im busy four more than a month.. still not found it :(

no I mean one month for level 81 :(

Posted: 20-11-2005 23:35
by Mister Bart
This level is freaking hard! aargh!!! my brains

Posted: 22-11-2005 20:21
by Eisviech
Woah...incredibly creative. ^^

Ans now...let's start being uncreative again. The Negatives. Wheeee~

eee, help.

Posted: 24-11-2005 15:17
by Kiota
I actually made it through the first 80 levels in about ten hours

Posted: 24-11-2005 15:24
by jooly
If you can make it at that sort of rate, I'm sure you'll have no problems getting this level :)

Posted: 24-11-2005 15:26
by Kiota
But I'm stuuuck. I've been stuck for two hours. *pout* Can I have a hint about the gibberish? Because I don't want to waste hours on it if it's just... gibberish.