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Posted: 13-03-2005 18:22
by The_One
By Deathball do you mean the game or the people? I still enjoy the game as much as I ever did (on the rare occasions people actually play DB and not VO).

Posted: 13-03-2005 22:16
by cY|riCo
its dead and this time for real...

Posted: 14-03-2005 00:34
by The_One
Development has stopped (maybe permanently, maybe not. Who knows?), that doesn't mean we have to stop playing though. I guess if everyone does stop I can always move to Sourceball. :o

Posted: 14-03-2005 14:56
by GazMaN
daethball as a game used to be fun.

the people in deathball used to be fun.

Now neither are. last good game of deathball i played was probably back in the old league.

And only a few normal people remain knocking around these forums, and irc.

Posted: 14-03-2005 15:29
by theberkin8or
is sourceball out yet?

Posted: 14-03-2005 16:23
by The_One
Don't think so.

Posted: 14-03-2005 20:51
by Guide
cY|riCo wrote: its dead and this time for real...

Deathball is far from dead. Although it has seen better times, it is still alive.

As I've said many times before - the only way for DB to move on, is for pro players to play public games.

There is no reason why pickups and public games can't coexist. One is feeding the other..

Help teach new players the game that you all love or ..move along.

To those whom this concerns (you know who you are):
Stop trying to declare DB dead. If you are not playing public games, you have no business even talking about it.

/On a related topic:

Clan Guide is still looking for players. If you are active, and qualify for the things written in the clan forum - please drop us a line. If you are skilled on top of that.. even better :p

Posted: 14-03-2005 21:10
by theberkin8or
we should all go to sourceball's forums and telling them what we love about deathball and what things could be changed. right now i am a little worried they are going to throw a lot of powerups and such into the game and make it more complex than it should be.

Posted: 14-03-2005 21:39
by Guide
theberkin8or wrote: we should all go to sourceball's forums and telling them what we love about deathball and what things could be changed. right now i am a little worried they are going to throw a lot of powerups and such into the game and make it more complex than it should be.

Post that message where it belongs, ie. off topic forum.

Show some respect and talk about Deathball here.

Posted: 14-03-2005 22:04
by theberkin8or
lol m8, i have been posting on this forum for like 2 years and since deathball is not in progress right now I don't see a problem with talking about something that could be of interest to the deathball community. It isn't like i am some randum n00b posting this.

Without any development going on these forums are going to die anyway.

Posted: 15-03-2005 17:04
by Jelly
`Ghost` wrote: Deathball will never die \o/

What? Makes a change from all of you saying it will, does it not? x:

Positive thinking wins :p

U win too ghost <3
Deathball have been dying since summer 2003.
setmadjelly 1
I throw up soon. stfu, db isnt dying as long as we are playing it ffs.
setmadjelly 0

Posted: 15-03-2005 17:54
by Guide
theberkin8or wrote: lol m8, i have been posting on this forum for like 2 years and since deathball is not in progress right now I don't see a problem with talking about something that could be of interest to the deathball community. It isn't like i am some randum n00b posting this.

Without any development going on these forums are going to die anyway.

I agree, you are not some random "n00b" posting that message. You've definitely presented great ideas to the community as well as to this forum in the past. Thumbs up for that. :)

My point originates from the thread starter - ie. copy of DavidMs news post.

Nowhere does it state that DB is dead. Nowhere does it state that DB is not beeing played.
We can all continue playing this mod - and as always try to help new people becoming an active asset for the community. Nothing has changed there.

I can understand and relate to your reasons very well.. starting looking for another worthy game because of that news post.
But who are we kidding?
Once you start thinking up that DB might become dead (for real this time?), you've already given up hope. That isn't helping anything as far as this forum - NOT the players is concerned. Ask fellow Dballers to join an off topic thread for Sourceball etc. if that is needed.

As you've stated - posting throughout the timespan of 2 years about DB related things, does tell something. I really hope you will continue playing this game - as I hope the rest of you will.. DB is only dead if you want it to become dead. If all goes our way, development might start again sooner than we'd imagined.

The last new player I talked to, would surely be surprised reading such demoralizing posts such as the "death of DB". Don't let him down..

/Cya @ some public server \o/

Posted: 15-03-2005 21:09
by cY|riCo
well db was already "dieing" long time ago ye...
but while this there were some cups atleast 6-10 active clans and if somebody started a 5vs pickup it always filled and a 5vs5 also filled after some time...
but now even 5vs pickups take about 20-30 mins to fill or they just never fill.

there are about 1-2 active public servers, gko is the most used one so. but people learn volley only stuff there and thats not deathball. all people are whoring rmb and block and volley then.
but if they cant shoot normal or dont know what to do against a defender....

and you always see the same person on public. there arent coming any new players...

to sum it up there were times when #dbpickup had about 150-200 users. now i count about 50-70.
and even at the time when dbpickup had so many idlers only about 10-20 wanted to play at one time and now its like 3 - 5 or less.

but there wont come new people so...
who wants to play a game that nobody is playing?
that has no support anymore...

well thats my view!

Posted: 16-03-2005 00:51
by Orbitul
The biggest thing that will hurt deathball is the fact that there are no new versions coming anymore. I would like to believe that their 'break' is just temporary but i really have trouble believing they will find the motivation to get back into it... especially if the euro community is fading.

For the NA people, we are probably at one of our most successful times. We generally have mixers going throughout the day, with multiple scrims at night. All the league teams are very competitive and we've had mostly all close games. And all this after we were about dead a few times, with no pickup games going and barely even any scrims at night. What really saved us was Inphidels league \o/. But i really have no idea why the same format didnt work in euroland.

Anyway i'm really hoping you guys figure it out soon and get a revival because that could be something to motivate TV to start working again.

Posted: 16-03-2005 07:18
by cY|riCo
yes na db really has good times atm. i wanted to play pickup and since euroland wasnt able to fill one i though about looking for a na pickup. i joined the channel and was like wtf? there are even less people in the channel then in euroland...
but then somebody started a 5vs5 pickup and i had to fight for an attack spot and after 5 mins the rest was also full :p

i miss those times in euroland :s