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Posted: 10-02-2005 13:29
by Kisa

I don't really know what the question is, so the answer must be 42 ...

Posted: 10-02-2005 13:56
by seer
I voted yes...just in case it was to do with Boobies again:eek:

Posted: 10-02-2005 14:00
by supamom
seer wrote: I voted yes...just in case it was to do with Boobies again:eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Typical!

I voted Yes too, but not for that reason, obviously!!! Don't know why i said YES, i just did.

Posted: 10-02-2005 14:30
by junimond_
@ Kisa LOL

Posted: 10-02-2005 15:22
by DavidM

i had a riddle submission. a space picture and some stuff. and the solution was supposed to be 42 ;)

Posted: 10-02-2005 15:23
by triper
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 10-02-2005 15:24
by stranger
Thanx David that was hard and honest. :-(

Posted: 10-02-2005 15:27
by Kisa
Wenn ich dat vorher gewusst hätte ...

Posted: 10-02-2005 20:46
by miwright
I don't really know what the question is, so the answer must be 42 ...

...I love you. *grabs his towel*


Posted: 13-02-2005 09:17
by memarkw
No. Not at all. Sorry.

Posted: 03-03-2005 01:43
by TFRobinHood
I have voted yes...i'm dying to know what the question is, but i'll be with David until the end...
Depending on how late the end is, i get tired after a while.

Posted: 03-03-2005 09:26
by Kisa
Go back to the level 41 thread! Ask there, please!

Posted: 03-03-2005 14:19
by w2qyv

ok i say yes

Posted: 03-03-2005 14:25
by maharg8th
All I know is, after this puzzle, either David is right, or he's messing with our minds, either way, I spend so much energy on his puzzle that whatever this is about, I'll mindlessly agree...

Posted: 03-03-2005 17:40
by |RoQ|
i think this is only to see who is with David even the thing he is making/saying is dumb or meaningless