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Posted: 28-03-2003 23:36
by Surge
THATS ALL I ASKED FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

read first post nub... i said:

in regards to shake:
"... and a reason to shorten it further or remove it completely. Its almost impossible to get off a good shot now because of these notoious pbox campers.."

god damn, give the keep a full sized no delay hammer too for all i care, its just aggrivating not being able to shoot AT ALL and, shooting wise, being almost toally reliant on long screen shots, cherry pick keeper rushs (which the keep saves sometimes) and the occasionaly pass shot.

Posted: 28-03-2003 23:42
by Notorius_G.I.B.
Who the geh you calling nub? Silly canuck we bout to throw down.

Posted: 29-03-2003 19:23
Surge, it seems that you hate anything about DB that effects your ability to score. Get a grip man. This game is not and will not be tailored to your specific offensive needs. The game changes and O and D tactics change with it. Deal.

Posted: 29-03-2003 19:34
by DavidM
surge hates anything in general...
his feedback its meaningless

Posted: 29-03-2003 20:34
by NaB
[1234]Jr wrote:
And if i can beat NaB and score past Gim, the shake doesnt matter that much, bro :)

when have u ever done that? O_O

(answer = never btw)
surge hates anything in general...
his feedback its meaningless

true that

Posted: 29-03-2003 20:53
by Surge
i'm not saying i cant score dumb shit... everyone who plays with me knows i can score.

For the record we did a test last night with myself, Darknight, K69 and Scott and after about 20 min of me pbox camping on d they scored a total of 4 or 5 goals 1v1 and 2v1. Something is VERY VERY wrong with those numbers.

Posted: 29-03-2003 23:05
by Zanboo
Find a hobby.

Posted: 29-03-2003 23:44
by Surge
ok.. new idea... instead of removing shake completely how bout your remove or lower it when a player is hit by a player INSIDE their own pbox. I dont care if they sit there, its just fucking retarded when the jump at you right when you start charging to intentionally shake your shot every damn time. It defeats the purpose of shooting. Almost every one of my goals lately have been pass shots from inside the pbox or vollies and even vollies are getting more difficult to do cause defenders are catching on. So far you've given defeners every single perk in DB and what have you given offensive players? nothing. You've limited our arsenal with every patch since patch 1.2.

v1.1 - Volley shot added (horray for offense)

v1.2 - volley power increased to 2000, fixed passing, got rid of outer pbox frag

and now it all goes to shit.

v1.3 - max pass range decrease, switch time increased by .15 secs, decreased opposite team volley power, made keeper 30% faster, boost power reduced.

v1.3b - enemy volley latency fixed (again, making it harder to volley back), volley power further lowered, friendly volley made even slower, ball collision radius made even harder to catch passes, gay join lag cauing message added. I think this is when the bug gun started becomming bad too...

v1.4 - enemy volley latency lowered back to what it was (helping defenders), enemy volley power raided again but used for spamming passes off more than offensive shooting, stupid body bounce added, took off set jumping making it harder to catch long bomb passes, Shake added, Overpower shot made even more inaccurate.

v1.4b - shake still there and abusable

v1.5 - volley range equal for all players, dribbling taken out, shield cannon damage increased, self pickup delay of 1.5s, keeper moves faster, is invincible and now owns the entire pbox. REALLY FUCKIN LOUD CHARGE.

v1.6 - sprinting added to further assist defenders, volley radius still really really large for defenders, keeper volley latency reduced.

every single one of those is a defensive advantage or offensive disadvantage depending on how you look at it. I ask for one change to make it a bit easier to score because well the keepers rigged and the defense is rigged and you act like its the stupidest ide you've ever heard. Even GIB (who is a defender) said that removal of shake or a lowering of it would be fine by him. Thats because hes not a pbox camper, he actually plays real defense and gets in your face without some pussy tactic.

Posted: 30-03-2003 00:38
by DavidM
"sprinting added to further assist defenders"

its not like thats the only thing you can do with it...
its just that abusing sprint in the offense is much harder

Posted: 30-03-2003 01:03
by Alars
I say slow down sprint speed or remove it entirely when in own pbox (except for keeper)

Posted: 30-03-2003 01:21
by FlawLezZ
Surge wrote: there is absolutly NO SKILL involved in camping a pbox. Its not a tactic, its cheap and unfair to offensive players. I have a tactic for you.. its called getting the opponents IP of irc and ping attacking them. Want me to do that my opponents defenders to even the odds? Its not fair in 1v1 situations. I dont get hit very much on offense because i deke out people quite well but when i do its usually when i'm charging because its hard to do evasiv manovering when charging and trying to aim a shot. The only thing your doing by leaving shake time high is asking for people to use the n00b cannon or volley in some other form. I don't want to play cY ball thank you very much. Its not that i cant volley or anything like that but its fucking retarded that you cant even shoot a normal shot anymore without beng hit by some pbox camping faggot.

Also you cant say everything fine as it is.. more and more quality players are leaving deathball, all i ever see on these forums are complaints (like this one) and some guy ass "its perfect" decause he probably plays defense and uses this skill-less tactic. Heres a challenge for you. Reduce shake time to .3 secs and give the keeper a regular hammer like any other player and see how it plays. unfortunetally asking for anything around here is like talking to a wall. Try before you shoot down the idea, you just might surprise yourself for once.


give it a rest man its in the game like OMG he posted this now we can never do this again .....

Dont like campers or that thingy you called pbox wel then play quake deathmatch or something

Posted: 30-03-2003 01:33
by Rens2Sea
Surge, why are you still playing DB if you only whine about it?
Do us all a favour and stop playing DB or stop whining. Ò_ó

Posted: 30-03-2003 02:07
by Cyph
ok.. new idea... instead of removing shake completely how bout your remove or lower it when a player is hit by a player INSIDE their own pbox. I dont care if they sit there, its just fucking retarded when the jump at you right when you start charging to intentionally shake your shot every damn time.
Why? It's a fucking TACTIC. this is a tactical game. Try working out a new tactic to stop them doing it. I can manage it, why don't you.

Posted: 30-03-2003 02:19
by Surge
you know what, fuck this, i'm just going to play defense

Posted: 30-03-2003 02:55
by theberkin8or
surge something you have fogret about in your list of changes is the curve shot that you hate so much, which is a powerful offesive tool when used correctly. and surge i don't think you list of the damagess to O are going to impresse anyone, it hasn't been said it a while (which i hope means is the end to process) but davidm has been playing for a long time to make O harder

the shake shot is very doable, if a defender is good it is harder but still do able, i am not sure if you realize this but O has the greatest weapon of them all, we have control, we can use that control to play predictable easly defendable shots and passes or we can be unpredictable