moonhead wrote:
- calling all the 123/4 players as "Clan twelve and three quarters"
LMAO - literally.
Thats cos our clan tag is [¹²¾], but that doesn't show up on UT2K3 (it shows up as [□□□] on Linux servers in UT also) so technically it is twelve and three quarters
SmallCube recently. Me and a teammate went up for a volley. He got in front of me as I shot at the ball, so I boosted him into the ball and he flew into the net. Goal! |o|
one time a teamate and i both jumped for the same ball to volly at goal. he was slighltly in fornt of me and caught the ball, but not before id given him a boost towards goal. final result, i scored by vollying my teamate into net (tho he got credit for it )
EDIT - OMG, exactly the same anicdote as the one above!! O_O
at exactly the same time, except somehow it isnt oh well maybe i didnt read the whoe thread
what are the chances of that happening..
Last edited by NaB on 14-03-2003 01:16, edited 1 time in total.
In a clanmatch once.. it was 9-9 and time was up. so I had the ball and passed to my keeper. but he was dodging around because he was bored and the goal just flew in :S *own * goal we lost that day
but then again in another clanmatch i tried to pass to a guy of my team and he was before the goal.. but he jumped so he missed the ball and i scored
GIB is the own goal king, he's scored at least 5 own goals in scrims (maybe one in a league match). just about all of them are him killing an attacker when the keep has the ball and the keep passes it out just as GIB fires.
Was playing one of the cubes, 4 players, i ran out of goal, and tried to volly the ball down field, my mouse cable got caught, so fired it at a weird angle, it bounced off one of the pilons, i start franticly hitting my shift key whilst yelling "FUCK NO!!" (i'm sure that may have worked if sprinting was on), i get boosted, and land right behind the ball as it crosses the line :p
On spaceballs][ one time real late at night we were all bored, so we played duck duck goose around the center ring with the ball. Nordy was there, but I don't remember who else.
I was also there at TD only Rooftop][ game surge was talking about...that was fun stuff.
a bunch of sad ppl we were on new years eve... catalyst messed with some setting and we were jumping around the stadium in cube... of course you had to be there... but 'twas funneh