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Posted: 06-09-2004 18:37
by Shev.npu
looks like [>>LOL<<] is gonna be used eh morning :P

Posted: 06-09-2004 18:58
by Messy :)

gg DavidM :eek:

Posted: 06-09-2004 19:44
by Twigstir
So far, I've had nothing but very choppy online play. Every few seconds the game pauses then skips to the current. The more players on, the worse it is. Framerate and ping are fine. UT2004 runs fine.

It happens on all the severs I've tried. So far, 2.1e is totaly unplayable in any mode for any number of players.

Posted: 06-09-2004 20:15
by CorDawg
i remeber having a bug like that in like 1.4b but it only happened in spectator mode. reinstalling 2k3 fixed it for me tho :p

Posted: 06-09-2004 21:52
by DavidM
twig specs?

Posted: 06-09-2004 21:54
by The_One
Same for me Twig.

Posted: 06-09-2004 22:10
by Maegrim
<3 bot

Posted: 06-09-2004 22:31
by Diab
yeah i had a few keeperless teams before, 2.1d tho.

Posted: 06-09-2004 22:59
by MaX_PoWeR
i get the chop cries

Posted: 06-09-2004 23:27
by Ashleh
Bye volleys, hi wall spamming normal shots... ^^ well if thats the way its gona be :).. but i do feal that the radius distence of hitting the ball has changed ... but only sometimes.. so may be bug? the one about when someone pickups up ball and you hit them doesnt register first... (like a spawn protect) but a ballcatch protect) ... you said its fixed but...?

ALso further delay in hitting the volley shot sometimes.... delay + low power = cry

Also the catching.. if that was to the keeper he woulda caught it.. but at me, not so far away... it just doesnt catch

Posted: 06-09-2004 23:31
by Holy_Surfing
During online play, i randomly have frame losses, not FPS decrease, but simply an instant 0.1 second loss of all action, a small warp. This happens often.

Posted: 06-09-2004 23:33
by The_One
Same problem as I'm having. It is an FPS drop, look at stat fps and you'll see it go down into single figures during a pause.

Posted: 06-09-2004 23:35
by DavidM
define this "pause"

Posted: 06-09-2004 23:37
by DavidM
Theone, holysurfing, how much ram do you have?

Posted: 06-09-2004 23:39
by Ashleh
ive got 1024 :)

the one about when someone pickups up ball and you hit them doesnt register first... (like a spawn protect) but a ballcatch protect) ... you said its fixed but...?

ALso further delay in hitting the volley shot sometimes.... delay + low power = cry

Also the catching.. if that was to the keeper he woulda caught it.. but at me, not so far away... it just doesnt catch

Last edited by Ashleh on 06-09

Hollysurfing: [11:40] <Holy_Surfing> 512 Mb ddr
[11:40] <Holy_Surfing> never affected me before
[11:40] <Holy_Surfing> so don't blame my pc