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Posted: 31-08-2004 23:06
by Orbitul
Not totally sure FL-, maybe the devs can respond.

From habit i still hold the RMB down a lot when im covering someone and what i've noticed is that i rarely get a rmb bounce but i still often get just regular .2 deflects. So just from what i've seen i can't really say that holding RMB is an advantage anymore but who knows.

Posted: 31-08-2004 23:50
by Messy
I'd definitely prefer match play :)
Higher skilled, more challenge, less scoring but more game ;)

I have to agree bots aren't really comparable to real matches, they're inhumanly perfect in their reaction and positioning :)
There's usually 5 on one team, the reason you scored so little on Adept (although I don't think the difficulty settings matter so much atm) is probably because the bots were designed for 5on5s, and the map you used might have been to small (did you use cube or bowl? :) they're probably best ^_^), that paired with the perfect bot movements and tactics (especially in marking :x) will cause extremely low-scoring games and crappy chances (and weird/buggy goals sometimes :))

Don't worry, don't let the botmatch put you down ;)
I don't know if you've already done the mixer/pug/pickup by now, but I suggest you just have fun and try to learn as much as possible .o/

Posted: 31-08-2004 23:53
by {UFO}Viper
DavidM wrote: whenever i play in a NA match its like pubbing

people dont care about defense, people are all egos, talking all teh time etc

dunno, quite horrid
noobs will feel at home, cuz people there arent really better or something

Wow you have no idea wtf you are talking about.

:p :lol:

Posted: 01-09-2004 01:56
by Dream Killer
Yeah organized matches whether pugs, scrims, or league matches are definetly far superior to pubs and certainly bot matches. By far the best way to learn if you are a newer player. Just playing and watching others, even if you get lost or don't quite understand what is happening sometimes, is great experience. Also you will be playing with people who can help you if you need it. Since DB is such a team game, one person not being sure of what they are doing can drag a team down so lots of people with probably give you grief, but just ignore them. Most of them haven't hit puberty yet and think that insulting people, rather then trying to help them is, is the way to go. As someone said earlier, just stick it out and very soon you will blend in fine. Anyways, gl and hopefully I will see ya around.

Posted: 01-09-2004 02:03
by DavidM
botplay > pubs \o/

Posted: 01-09-2004 03:18
by The_One
That's kind of a shameful statement.

Posted: 01-09-2004 03:56
by Esorcismo
Actually I see NA matches as being HUGELY team oriented, you rarely see egoing of any kind (i.e. passing up a better shot in favor of trying to put one up on the scoreboard in your name)... the defense is almost always there, we're just heavy users of boosting to position so if anything that's how odd man rushes take place. Saying that we show no defense and that we all ego is surely a sign of ignorance to the progression of a standard North American mixer match.

Posted: 01-09-2004 04:44
by priior
have u played in any europpean matches eso?

im not saying euro matches are better.. in fact, most euro offensive players used to hate to boost back and cover.

it's slightly better now.

as for david.. i donno what he's talkign abou since he hasnt watched any real NA games... "hot air" :)

only euro who can comment about NA playstyle is catalyst!

Posted: 01-09-2004 08:55
by l0afz
Shev.npu wrote: keeper and midfielders =/!!!!

FL- 1-1 on adept? u must suck, try to veteranish and win on godlike.. quite easy

and join #dbpickup for some better matches :\ u will see quality players with leet skills apart from noobpass from the wall \o/ oh how fun.. NOT

Guh, Did you even read the thread? Hes american, so playing in a euro pickup will not be a good experience ping wise - let alone all the newb bashers.

FL-, just like everyone has been saying, take a trip to #dbmixer - and play some games with NA people =) They usually play DB-Mixercube / DB-Lowcube.. Its been a while since Ive played a mixer. Euros mostly play DB-Cube and DB-Bowl. =o

Posted: 01-09-2004 10:33
by f1end
DavidM wrote: botplay > pubs \o/


Lies!!!! Blatant lies

The only use for bot-matches really is a 1 on 1 with the keeper to learn ball control and scoring...or maybe praticing defending, but the bots suck at offense.

Posted: 01-09-2004 10:57
by Shev.npu
well at least there aint no nubs that fuck up a public

l0af, i aint stupid. ... look at priior and dudeguy and slayer and lunix and insane and the other high pingers... they still play good

Posted: 01-09-2004 14:45
by FL-
Well I played my first mixer last night with priior, XiD, and a few others. I played sweeper and was absolutely horrible. I made a quadrillion mistakes and we lost 14 - 4.

It was definately a learning experience. I'm going to try to see I've I can get in a few more mixers just to spectate the players and see how they play. Maybe I can learn a thing or two.

Anyway, thanks to all who let me play -- and sorry to all those who were pissed off at my lack of skill.

Posted: 01-09-2004 14:54
by priior
u werent doing too bad FL-..

the thing about playign sweeper is, if your offense makes mistakes (not boost back and play d properly) it makes the sweeper look bad.

Posted: 01-09-2004 17:07
by Esorcismo
It'd be interesting to play in a european match, although I'd be playing with a 160 ping instead of a 60 ping which may cause a couple problems. But I'd be willing to give a euro match a shot just for the experience, although my playing style may conflict with that of others...

Posted: 01-09-2004 23:12
by Dream Killer
Hey Flatline, you really didn't do too bad at all last night. You were alot better than I was after just a couple of weeks playing (and some would say even better than I am now). That wasn't much of a pug at all. Your O wasn't boosting back at all, wasn't passing, and pretty much wasn't doing much of anything. Then the keepers got bored and decided to shoot the ball back and forth at each other from across the field for about 10 minutes. So that really wasn't a good representation of what pugs are generally like. Just keep playing, most of the pugs will be much better learning experiences than that and will be much better played all around. GL and see ya around.