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Posted: 10-07-2004 10:26
by GazMaN
when ya getting married dave?

im getting married next saturday, and im bricking it :D

Posted: 10-07-2004 10:29
by DavidM
not that early, when she gets away from 2-3 years

<3 rage

Posted: 10-07-2004 11:47
by Maegrim
/me aww's

Posted: 10-07-2004 12:38
by Sixty
aww *breaks down in tears*

gratz \o/

Posted: 10-07-2004 14:27
by Achilles
OMg happy weeding day gazman 2day >_<
And sure we care about our leader as we are humble servants
(need a maid?)

Posted: 10-07-2004 14:35
by Messy
omg congrats gazman :o
Who's the lucky guy? \o/
Happy weddingday/honeymoon/rest of your life

(ps: we all love DavidM =/)

Posted: 10-07-2004 16:06
by -plær-
holy shit, I leave for 1 day, and David's getting married :o

Congrats dude :)

Posted: 10-07-2004 16:26
by -Camel-
congrats davdim \o/
congrats gaz \o/

Posted: 10-07-2004 16:49
by RaGe|DB
-plær- wrote: holy shit, I leave for 1 day, and David's getting married :o

Congrats dude :)

Please don't go on long-term-holidays :(

Posted: 10-07-2004 17:16
by PHiLø
congratz gaz
congratz davidM

hope u 2 spend many happy years together \o/ :p

Posted: 10-07-2004 23:12
by theberkin8or
wow i think this calls for a picture of the happy couple :)

Posted: 10-07-2004 23:12
by -plær-
theberkin8or wrote: wow i think this calls for a picture of the happy couple :)

Well, that's what the pictures in db-cube and photoshop are for... ;)

Posted: 11-07-2004 15:15
by theberkin8or

edit: ^^^ don't you h8 ppl that waste forum space by responding with "lol" gg me

Posted: 12-07-2004 13:37
by Lougie
<3 Xid


Posted: 12-07-2004 14:01
by xiller8r
congrats dave and susi:p leet wedding