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Posted: 04-07-2004 08:09
by DavidM
nobody cares about your kindergarten, believe me

Posted: 04-07-2004 08:21
by RaGe|DB
DavidM wrote: nobody cares about your KINDERGARTEN , believe me


I'm off gaming

Posted: 04-07-2004 08:51
by [1234]Jr
Jesus christ.

Who gives a fuck?

Maybe its an NA thing, but two fuckwits arguing is pointless - like when me and bringer/ballbreaker argue...

Posted: 04-07-2004 10:42
by Rens2Sea
omg stfu with that crappy NA shit talk :ban:

Posted: 04-07-2004 11:23
by Shev.npu
this a lesson to how we can speak more leik j00 @ b't moer?


(send to

Posted: 04-07-2004 12:39
by Maegrim
woo, here it comes:


Posted: 04-07-2004 12:47
by speedy
nobody cares.

at least i don't care anyway.

Posted: 04-07-2004 14:51
by The_One


Why would anyone be interested in this shit? (and no posting in this thread does not constitute interest. In fact, can this thread be deleted?)

Posted: 04-07-2004 17:04
by Messy
It's funny because you're both shit at english :D

<3 Insane
<3 LB


Posted: 04-07-2004 17:17
by BlackFlame
im gonna post random crap that no-one cares about to increase my post count

Posted: 04-07-2004 21:52
by InSaNe`

I said I would post it but never got around to do it :D

It's pretty funny, some of things he says it so damn ridiculous I had to laugh so hard.


Posted: 04-07-2004 21:54
by InSaNe`
Rens2Sea wrote: omg stfu with that crappy NA shit talk :ban:

Rens, it isn't shit talk... In NA we call it: Making fun of LB's English.

It's a fun game, you guys should try it sometime \o/

Posted: 04-07-2004 22:49
by Larry_Bird
Messy wrote: It's funny because you're both shit at english :D

<3 Insane
<3 LB


gg insaneh english \o/

and gg, by saying what u have just said Insaneh, u have just proove how u guys in NA are child by laughing at my english.

Messy said thats urs is shit also , but im aint laughing at urs cuz im not a baby like u kthx :p

Posted: 05-07-2004 09:41
by RaGe|DB
Larry_Bird wrote: gg insaneh english \o/

and gg, by saying what u have just said Insaneh, u have just proove how u guys in NA are child by laughing at my english.

Messy said thats urs is shit also , but im aint laughing at urs cuz im not a baby like u kthx :p

How the fuck did they allow you on a school Larry_bird?!

ps. You even talk like that in real life? :eek:

...just interested.. I mean, if you can type normally (like most) why don't you? :X

Posted: 05-07-2004 11:22
by Larry_Bird
Hmmmm rage is an another na kid lol ? I know u arent but ...

and if u guys wanna make a big deal of this fine, but you will do it alone, cuz i have some other things more important to do, which seems to not be ur case.

So iF you want to continue to talk about it fine, u will do it alone.

but in real life, im a french canuck, so if u dont understand that,

well its ur problem.

and for the one who will say " Just talk in french then "

I reply : " it is not u who will decide what i will do and if i want to learn english, i will and no, i dont need to go to school again, cuz its on the field that u are learning it better " Thank you

Have a good day