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Posted: 04-06-2004 13:30
by Imaginos
Good. We need more pimps. And be sure to mention the tutorials/guides in your travels too! Inph's recent one is really easy for new people with ADD to make it thru.


Posted: 04-06-2004 14:26
by Inphidel
lol - yay keep up the good work moby & monkey :D

Posted: 04-06-2004 14:27
by NightBoY
#dbpickup @ quakenet

Posted: 04-06-2004 14:44
by DEVo_
And Pimps they are indeed!!

Leave it to Moby to spread the word EVERYWHERE! Hes the reason I found out about it so quickly im trying to be as big a pimp as munk and moby by linking the n00b guide...but as munk can tell you, I shoulda read it more throughly before I jumped into my first game last night!

I misspelled my email name when registering and had to put a damn _ after my name and register againImage

Posted: 05-06-2004 02:19
by Messy
lol at all the 'it's still a beta' comments :D