Purpose of the 1 sec hammer delay?

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Post by Leto »

This should get rid of that annoying shot-volley, at least.
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Post by Bounty »

BTW - you ever going to give shaken alt-fire passes a try (locked passes included)?

I think it is not necessary especially since the new deflect works so good :p (it balances it out nicely)
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Re: Re: Re: Purpose of the 1 sec hammer delay?

Post by Twigstir »

InSaNe` wrote: ^^

There are WAY more differences between VO and Reg than that twiggy :) Reg requires MUCH more teamwork than VO. In VO you can just hog your way through a goal.

Difference would be that VO requires a smaller amount of skill (way smaller) to score. That can help the n00bs' egos and such but they're not learning the real game..

The only thing volley only does is reset the ball if it enters the goal volume after a power-up or pass. Nothing else changes. "Way more differences" - no.

A mutator that only takes out scoring options can't possibly "require a smaller amount of skill (way smaller) to score". Nor could only taking out a single player shooting option "require MUCH more teamwork".

You must be thinking of something else, because your statements are illogical.
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Post by DavidM »

thats true, i finally feel pretty safe as defender since i can block shots without being lucky
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Post by Messy »

Twig, you would be absolutely right if VO was played on Cube and such :)

But unfortunately, it's usually played in way-too crowded chaotic small maps (with spammy roofs), making it indeed 'way different'.

For the rest, I shall refer back to Insane's post :)
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Post by Twigstir »

You started to get close but drifted so far away.

Insane's post was illogical, as was yours. " if VO was played on Cube and such" and "usually played in way-too crowded chaotic small maps (with spammy roofs {you lost that one too})" have nothing to do what the VO mode does. Nor does it counter anything I have posted.

You guys keep tring to slam VO but your really talking about different things.

Here is another statement along the lines as to what I've been saying: Every way you can make a ball go into the goal in VO can also be done in REG. REG has more possibilities. Map size and players numbers don't have anything to do this statement.
Last edited by Twigstir on 05-06-2004 03:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Xelent »

Nobody cares, the game isnt about vo. VO is a shitty spinoff that isnt even played the right way in pubs. The game IS based around competitive play, and I hope they continue to base the game on it, since the competitive players are the ones who put forth the most input and play the most. I think you guys that grew up from 1.5 on dont understand this concept. :)
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Post by R3L!K »

I think Twigstir's idea of a scaled shaken pass is worthy of testing.

i agree that deflecting is better now so it might not be needed... but an experienced player who knows he just wants to pass the ball will always be able to create the space i think...

so maybe its worth a try

edit: the amount of error in a shake pass should be quite small imo else the flow of the game will be destroyed since there will be a lot of ball chasing
Last edited by R3L!K on 05-06-2004 03:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Twigstir »

REG is VO plus some other scoring possibilities.

Both VO and REG whether played in pubs, pugs, or league is enjoyed for it's competitive play.

So many forget where almost all, if not all, league players came and will come from. Without a public base to grow into your "league" your league will never be what it could be.

VO is a part of deathball. Killing VO provides no benifit either to REG or the League. A healthy VO community does and will bring players into REG and the League. A healthy VO is part of the public base, part of the foundation, that supports the league.
Last edited by Twigstir on 05-06-2004 03:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bounty »

Spinoffs are what makes the world go round and what keep people interested so stop VO hating. (besides i think it's just as fun as reg) (actually, being clanless atm, i think it's more fun)

Also Twig made a couple good points earlier on, but now he's just rambling and using fancy words :lol:
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Post by Twigstir »

|o| - just having fun with the VO haters saying the same things over and over in different ways. Sorry for the rambling. They never read past the surface and get all the hints a leave for them and thus my points.

Been playing more REG than VO as of late. Sometimes frustrating with so many newbies but I'm glad for the fresh blood. I love seeing them learn a good pass - volley shot, is a lot more effective than individual play.
Last edited by Twigstir on 05-06-2004 04:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bounty »

Sigh. I keep gettin into these reg pugs (actually it's always the same server cause it's the only server with mapvote, thus only people play on it) where I'm playin some D and suddenly all these nubs start saying they're better than me b/c i'm not scoring. . . i'm sick of 2004 db. . .at least give me 1 server that's set to VO only...just so i dont go crazy ::Pfffff::
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Post by Inphidel »

haha don't worry about the new players thinking their hot stuff. all in all it only matters what you think :D
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Post by theberkin8or »

twig you are correct but at the same time way off, the difference between VO and REG is not just the removal of one option to score with. It may seem so on the surface but clearly the styles that people use in these two way to play db are very different. The difference in Style of play that is effective is the biggest difference between VO and Reg. Reg must be played with a lot more team work if you are to succeed where as VO if you are good you can dribble the ball down the field and score without any other player ever touching the ball. This is becuase of the differences in style of play not in any actually "real" difference. Sure you could do everything you can do in VO in REG but your team would kick you off.

Also this game is very much designed around competive play, it has been for a very long time and changes that affect pub play for the better are great but if they unbalance competive play then it will do more harm to db than good (becuase there would be nothing past the FFA of pubs to get better for)
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Post by Twigstir »

No, you and others are talking map size and skill levels. Hint: DB-November or Cube with the VO mutator on: less or more teamwork required? Small maps REG: Less or more teamwork? Don't confuse public play, skill levels, and map size with VO. Saying league play requires much more team work and skill level is a correct statement. The VO -vs- REG statements are incorrect nonsense. They are really refering to other things.

Working to balance league play is fine. However, it's unwise to cut off the hand that feeds you. An adjustment that has major negative impact on public play is no benefit to the league. Non-existence players don't grow into league play. In those cases is best to consider other options. Balancing league play is very important. Making sure the public game is enjoyable is crucial.
Last edited by Twigstir on 05-06-2004 20:35, edited 1 time in total.