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Posted: 21-05-2004 15:08
by FeEdiKo
, Òó ,

Posted: 21-05-2004 15:24
by Dazlin

Posted: 21-05-2004 17:29
by BL44T

Posted: 21-05-2004 19:31
by speedy

Posted: 21-05-2004 21:58
by z00nz00nz00n
I wrote it myself. I can't believe I got 18 replys out of something so stupid.

Posted: 21-05-2004 22:02
by speedy

Posted: 21-05-2004 22:06
by speedy
damn spammers :p

Posted: 22-05-2004 04:39
by Maegrim

I'll save us!

Posted: 22-05-2004 05:12
by Imaginos
Here ya go.

Posted: 22-05-2004 09:26
by speedy
flashy flashy wee wee :eek:

Posted: 22-05-2004 09:37
by Catalyst88

Posted: 22-05-2004 10:24
by beefsack
what is more leet/lame, being able to make leet speak or being able to read it? :p

Posted: 22-05-2004 10:49
by Messy
Everyone can speak and understand it :x
Just actually speaking it makes you a retard, you can't blame anyone for trying to read it though (although you will feel like a retard after you've taken the time to read ;))

And Imag, trying to trigger epileptic seizures really is lame =\ it can cause physical harm :x
I have a friend who got an epileptic seizure off an internet .gif once.

Posted: 22-05-2004 11:19
by BlackFlame

Posted: 22-05-2004 12:28
by {ULK}AcE