Posted: 02-05-2004 17:48
fuck with the community all you want, just stay off my tag
Messy wrote: oh gg..just joined their channel @ #Bann0rs.united on instantly flamed for wanting to say hi to lupi
Turns out the other bann0rs (bann0r5 andare the annoying dutchies that have been annoying #dbpickup for the last few days instantly banned and joined a channel where both of them were reg (in #lamer..hmm, coincedence?) and tried to talk to them.
Got approximately 30 messages of 'OPGEKANKERT" or "O P G E K A N K E R T" and similar things.
gg they've turned this community approximately twice as gay.. I feel ashamed of my fellow dutch citizens and their lack of intelligence =\
Edit: apparently there's about 6 of them besides Lupi.
(20:51:31) (Bann0r1) there r about 6 others who dont like db. DB has no new player and too much fags
(20:51:51) (Bann0r1) we got 1,2,3,4,,14
Seeing as I've seen 5 and 8, and 1 is Lupi, there's 2, 3, 4 and 14 left?
..oh well =\ gg