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Posted: 02-05-2004 17:48
by Xelent
fuck with the community all you want, just stay off my tag

Posted: 02-05-2004 18:10
by CorDawg
feel free to add this to your bans list server admins.

Posted: 02-05-2004 19:55
by Messy
oh gg..just joined their channel @ #Bann0rs.united on instantly flamed for wanting to say hi to lupi ;)

Turns out the other bann0rs (bann0r5 and 8) are the annoying dutchies that have been annoying #dbpickup for the last few days \o/ instantly banned and joined a channel where both of them were reg (in #lamer..hmm, coincedence?) and tried to talk to them.

Got approximately 30 messages of 'OPGEKANKERT" or "O P G E K A N K E R T" and similar things.

gg they've turned this community approximately twice as gay.. I feel ashamed of my fellow dutch citizens and their lack of intelligence =\

Edit: apparently there's about 6 of them besides Lupi.

(20:51:31) (Bann0r1) there r about 6 others who dont like db. DB has no new player and too much fags
(20:51:51) (Bann0r1) we got 1,2,3,4,,14

Seeing as I've seen 5 and 8, and 1 is Lupi, there's 2, 3, 4 and 14 left?

..oh well =\ gg

Posted: 02-05-2004 20:23
by RaGe|DB
opgekankert = roxxs or sadako :)

Posted: 02-05-2004 20:28
by Messy
ban *!*@* k?k.

Posted: 02-05-2004 20:30
by FeEdiKo
Messy wrote: oh gg..just joined their channel @ #Bann0rs.united on instantly flamed for wanting to say hi to lupi ;)

Turns out the other bann0rs (bann0r5 and 8) are the annoying dutchies that have been annoying #dbpickup for the last few days \o/ instantly banned and joined a channel where both of them were reg (in #lamer..hmm, coincedence?) and tried to talk to them.

Got approximately 30 messages of 'OPGEKANKERT" or "O P G E K A N K E R T" and similar things.

gg they've turned this community approximately twice as gay.. I feel ashamed of my fellow dutch citizens and their lack of intelligence =\

Edit: apparently there's about 6 of them besides Lupi.

(20:51:31) (Bann0r1) there r about 6 others who dont like db. DB has no new player and too much fags
(20:51:51) (Bann0r1) we got 1,2,3,4,,14

Seeing as I've seen 5 and 8, and 1 is Lupi, there's 2, 3, 4 and 14 left?

..oh well =\ gg

just ignore these kids /o\

Posted: 02-05-2004 20:36
by Messy
that was approx 1/24th message and 23/24th quote ;p

but yeh..I guess you're right fee /o\

Just hate it when ppl try to fuck it up for the community, scaring off the future DB-ers =\

Oh well..I'm pretty sure they'll quit it now? They could have lamed with their own name tho, but I guess that's not lame enough :p

Posted: 02-05-2004 21:11
by CorDawg
[PLAYER_JOIN] 2004/4/24 17:14:5 Bann0r2 2600 44ed4367ed46804ab7328d098d7088b7
[PLAYER_JOIN] 2004/4/4 11:43:59 fb.PHiLø 2600 44ed4367ed46804ab7328d098d7088b7


Posted: 02-05-2004 21:16
by [1234]Jr
gg, it's banning time 8)

Posted: 02-05-2004 21:26
by InSaNe`

This has GOT to be the most stupidest post evar; even worse than Surge's attempt to take V3 out of the DBL.

If you hate this community then move to another; no need to sit around and ruin other peoples games. You don't like it? Fine, no ones forcing you to play.

Bann0r1 is * m00haha
Bann0r1 on @#kanker @#Bann0rs.united #lamer #deathball
Bann0r1 using * QuakeNet IRC Server
Bann0r1 is authed as Lupi
Bann0r1 End of /WHOIS list.
Bann0r8 is * Bann0r8
Bann0r8 on @#Bann0rs.united #lamer
Bann0r8 using * QuakeNet IRC Server
Bann0r8 End of /WHOIS list.
Bann0r5 is * blaaat
Bann0r5 on @#kanker @#Bann0rs.united #lamer
Bann0r5 using * QuakeNet IRC Server
Bann0r5 End of /WHOIS list.

Posted: 02-05-2004 21:31
by RaGe|DB
look bann0r5 and bann0r8 are Sadako from 3dg I think and Roxxs, they spam SO MUCH

Posted: 02-05-2004 21:37
by Messy
Sniff..they keep telling me to 'Cancer off' /o\

That hurts :D


Posted: 02-05-2004 21:39
by RaGe|DB
were are they messy o:

Posted: 02-05-2004 21:42
by fb.shev
bann0r2 must be you :) j/k

Posted: 02-05-2004 21:48
by Messy
Yes, :( I admit.

My balls are too small and I continuously feel left alone and abandonned by the poor harsh and skilled DB community, therefor I've decided to spam the fuck out of everyone in dutch and annoy people in pubs /o\