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Posted: 23-04-2004 21:53
by Dream Killer
Heh, I could record it with DVR (digital video recording) thru my digital cable. Could put it online. However I make no promises because I have a horrible memory and knowing me I will forget to record it.

Posted: 23-04-2004 21:54
by DavidM
i'll remind all when its about time

Posted: 23-04-2004 22:00
by Dream Killer
Too bad Tech-Tv doesn't come in HD, I've been meaning to record some stuff in HD just to see how it turns out.

Posted: 23-04-2004 22:27
by DiStUrbeD
DavidM wrote: you'll get my love
<3 disturbed <3

ooh baby

it's a deal then, just remind me when its gonna come on, cuz i live on the west coast of the US (i believe PST is -8 GMT)


Posted: 24-04-2004 00:16
by Messy
Tim = hero \o/


Posted: 24-04-2004 00:38
by DiStUrbeD

Posted: 24-04-2004 08:02
by Inphidel
techTV i know is atleast free at one big college here in my state. i'm suure other colleges have it free in the dorms.. so you got mad dork potential... maybe theyll finally see light after counter strike :D

Posted: 24-04-2004 08:46
by DiStUrbeD
i get techtv for free with my sattelite

i also live about 30 min south of san francisco


Posted: 24-04-2004 08:51
by DavidM
then you must be living close to usaar33, foster city ringing a bell?

Posted: 24-04-2004 14:08
by DiStUrbeD
yep thats just north from me, my mom works there.

Posted: 24-04-2004 14:12
by Messy
Tell your mom she shud say hi to us44r33, Tim :o

Posted: 24-04-2004 16:51
by RaGe|DB
yea, <3 tim's mom

Posted: 24-04-2004 18:01
by Messy that's just sick =/

Posted: 24-04-2004 20:17
by DiStUrbeD
Messy wrote: that's just sick =/


Posted: 24-04-2004 20:31
by Sixty
Hey....she's hot oke?!