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Posted: 22-02-2004 01:10
by BurntLeaf
Onge wrote: There should also be a LMB delay when you catch the ball. 0.0 second pass delay is excellent, but when you miss-time a volley you just shoot the ball out again straight away...In the case of our keeper in the pickup he caught the ball and then shot it into his goal when he was trying the volley the shot. Add a 0.4 LMB delay? It definately needs to be tweaked.

What he said, please :/

Posted: 22-02-2004 02:31
by -=LyNx=-
pff i think il wait for 2.0

Posted: 22-02-2004 03:45
by Wibble
Constructive comments from Lynx as usual...

Posted: 22-02-2004 08:17
by makush
"History: UClass::Bind <- (Class DBWarfare.DBW_Bot) <- ULinkerLoad::CreateExport <- (DBW_Bot 323091) blaa blaa "

This occurs, because currently deathball and DBWarfare aren't in synch. DB 1.9b removed some code, but DBW still tries to access it.


Keeper symbols are apparently missing from GFX file. /0\

"waiting for ready..."

Waiting for ready problems have been corrected. (Fixed package is apparently not yet available)

"There should also be a LMB delay when you catch the ball. 0.0 second pass delay is excellent, but when you miss-time a volley you just shoot the ball out again straight away...In the case of our keeper in the pickup he caught the ball and then shot it into his goal when he was trying the volley the shot. Add a 0.4 LMB delay? It definately needs to be tweaked."

AFAIK there's currently 0.1s delay for both. Apperently needs to be increased.

Posted: 22-02-2004 11:05
by METAFrank
About the bots
(Constructive post with stuff that everyone knows already)

- add delays for passing, dodging
- higher difficulty level should make the bots pass better some later version, not let them run faster
- own difficulty level for keepers
- bots should face where they are passing
- bots cheat when boosted - they dont boost themselves, but when you boost them, they can do 4 jumps in mid-air (players can only do 3)
- if u want a good match make them check if an enemy is directly between the target and themselves before they pass

Thats pretty much all i think... now dont moan cause im sure many of these things have been said already, but summing it up cant be such a bad thing^^
oh, and with the newest version i played 18 minutes without a general protection fault

Posted: 22-02-2004 11:08
by makush

Stuff I have been working:

(These have not been released and DavidM has not checked them yet, so they probably change a bit.)

Changes since last increment
-DB Bug Fix: Pass/missed/intercepted stats improved.
-AI Improvement: Bot stays in prepare state and does status checking when not assigned to a team. (Normally status check is done by team.)
-DB Improvement: Hammer primary switch time: 0.4s, secondary: 0.1s
-DB Improvement: Allowed Hammer to have separate switch time for primary and secondary firemode. (Critical code!)
-DB Bug Fix: You got missed shot for dying in enemy penalty box.
-DB Bug Fix: CheckForNewMostMissed accessed none
-DB Bug Fix: Ball gets lost when doing touchdown in volley-only-practise-mode. Now practise mode touchdown gets ball reset.
-DB Bug Fix: Practise mode and volley only couldn't be activated from rules tab.
-DB Improvement: Removed Banana from rules tab.
-DB Bug Fix: Enabled 'You are keeper', 'No keeper' and 'enemyzone' icons
-AI Bug Fix: Keeper was dodging too frequently

Previous Changes
-DB Feature: Taunt anims don't start during weapon firing.
-DB Feature: No movement or hammer momentum until match start countdown finished
-AI Improvement: More threshold to bot dodge when ball is in its feet
-DB Bug Fix: Ball reset improved. Missing sphere does not happen anymore?
-AI Improvement: Bot play anticipation not-used/is-destroyed when no bots present (Should improve FPS)
-DB Bug Fix: hammer "pass me" moaning about missing animation
-DB Bug Fix: DB_BombFlag.Counter accessed none
-DB Feature: Added Hammer watchdog. Should prevent some gun jams and tries to stop weapon from playing charging sound again and again...
-DB Bug Fix: Hammer jammed when pawn was holding fire and released fire just before catching ball.
-DB Bug Fix: Ball was fired even when pawn died, but was holding fire
-AI Feature: Bots try not to kill enemies when they are in control of ball
-AI Feature: Keeper dodge attacks
-AI Feature: Bots do marking
-AI Feature: Bots do marking jumps
-AI Feature: Game skill level affects bot reaction time (Nothing else yet)
-AI Feature: Bots time jumps and dodges
-AI Feature: Bot passes back to enemy when alone ("practise mode")
-AI Feature: Keeper bot panics when ball is going to goal -> does forced dodge
-AI Feature: Bots try to volley ball when it's going to enemy
-AI Feature: Anticipated all types of ball movement including bananas
-AI Feature: Play anticipation

Know problems
- Keeper bot having bad timing when dodging forward.
- Bot facing is random
- Play Anticipation always assumes that player will volley -> Should anticipate will he catch or volley.
- Warning: DB_DeathBall DB-SmallCube.DB_DeathBall (Function Deathball.DB_DeathBall.Pass:044B) Accessed None
- Warning: DB_BombFlag DB-SmallCube.DB_BombFlag (Function Deathball.DB_BombFlag.SetHolder:0535) Accessed None
- Warning: DB_HammerPrimaryFire DB-SmallCube.DB_HammerPrimaryFire (Function Deathball.DB_HammerPrimaryFire.Hammer.DoFireEffect:0459) Accessed
- Warning: DB_RadarObjectPlayer DB-SmallCube.DB_RadarObjectPlayer lots of Accessed None
- Bot passing/shooting is random (Not a bug, unfinished feature )

Posted: 22-02-2004 12:15
by BurntLeaf
Overall sounds great!

makush wrote: Yarr.

Stuff I have been working:

(These have not been released and DavidM has not checked them yet, so they probably change a bit.)

Changes since last increment
-DB Bug Fix: Pass/missed/intercepted stats improved.
-AI Improvement: Bot stays in prepare state and does status checking when not assigned to a team. (Normally status check is done by team.)
-DB Improvement: Hammer primary switch time: 0.4s, secondary: 0.1s
-DB Improvement: Allowed Hammer to have separate switch time for primary and secondary firemode. (Critical code!)
-DB Bug Fix: You got missed shot for dying in enemy penalty box.
-DB Bug Fix: CheckForNewMostMissed accessed none
-DB Bug Fix: Ball gets lost when doing touchdown in volley-only-practise-mode. Now practise mode touchdown gets ball reset.
-DB Bug Fix: Practise mode and volley only couldn't be activated from rules tab.
-DB Improvement: Removed Banana from rules tab.
-DB Bug Fix: Enabled 'You are keeper', 'No keeper' and 'enemyzone' icons
-AI Bug Fix: Keeper was dodging too frequently

Previous Changes
-DB Feature: Taunt anims don't start during weapon firing.
-DB Feature: No movement or hammer momentum until match start countdown finished
-AI Improvement: More threshold to bot dodge when ball is in its feet
-DB Bug Fix: Ball reset improved. Missing sphere does not happen anymore?
-AI Improvement: Bot play anticipation not-used/is-destroyed when no bots present (Should improve FPS)
-DB Bug Fix: hammer "pass me" moaning about missing animation
-DB Bug Fix: DB_BombFlag.Counter accessed none
-DB Feature: Added Hammer watchdog. Should prevent some gun jams and tries to stop weapon from playing charging sound again and again...
-DB Bug Fix: Hammer jammed when pawn was holding fire and released fire just before catching ball.
-DB Bug Fix: Ball was fired even when pawn died, but was holding fire
-AI Feature: Bots try not to kill enemies when they are in control of ball
-AI Feature: Keeper dodge attacks
-AI Feature: Bots do marking
-AI Feature: Bots do marking jumps
-AI Feature: Game skill level affects bot reaction time (Nothing else yet)
-AI Feature: Bots time jumps and dodges
-AI Feature: Bot passes back to enemy when alone ("practise mode")
-AI Feature: Keeper bot panics when ball is going to goal -> does forced dodge
-AI Feature: Bots try to volley ball when it's going to enemy
-AI Feature: Anticipated all types of ball movement including bananas
-AI Feature: Play anticipation

Know problems
- Keeper bot having bad timing when dodging forward.
- Bot facing is random
- Play Anticipation always assumes that player will volley -> Should anticipate will he catch or volley.
- Warning: DB_DeathBall DB-SmallCube.DB_DeathBall (Function Deathball.DB_DeathBall.Pass:044B) Accessed None
- Warning: DB_BombFlag DB-SmallCube.DB_BombFlag (Function Deathball.DB_BombFlag.SetHolder:0535) Accessed None
- Warning: DB_HammerPrimaryFire DB-SmallCube.DB_HammerPrimaryFire (Function Deathball.DB_HammerPrimaryFire.Hammer.DoFireEffect:0459) Accessed
- Warning: DB_RadarObjectPlayer DB-SmallCube.DB_RadarObjectPlayer lots of Accessed None
- Bot passing/shooting is random (Not a bug, unfinished feature )

Wasnt TD meant to be a goal in VO? :(

Posted: 22-02-2004 12:20
by METAFrank
hooray for senseless mega-long quote :spammer:

it wud be nice if you could also distract bot keepers by aiming in one direction and then shooting in another... but i imagine this is pretty hard to code

Posted: 22-02-2004 12:40
by Mayer.hun
o// hopefully these updates will be avaible soon... wake up david! :)

Posted: 22-02-2004 12:42
by BurntLeaf
sorry for not using the internet properly :/

Posted: 22-02-2004 12:51
by makush
Originally posted by METAFrank
it wud be nice if you could also distract bot keepers by aiming in one direction and then shooting in another... but i imagine this is pretty hard to code

Not really, but since Jero and Cata vanished, I had to start fixing DB and I couldn't focus on making AI.

TD works in volley-only-mode.

Posted: 22-02-2004 12:52
by METAFrank
History: UObject::ProcessEvent <- (DB_PlayAnticipation DB-ClearNight.DB_PlayAnticipation, Function DeathballAI.DB_PlayAnticipation.Timer) <- AActor::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop

thats what i just got while trying to use the killbots command

Posted: 22-02-2004 14:31
by Onge
New Hud icons are nice and clear, but the keeper icons overlap my remaining jumps number...Remember some of us play in 1024x768 or lower...

Posted: 22-02-2004 17:23
by BurntLeaf
Not clear in 800*600

Posted: 22-02-2004 18:22
by Weisso
here's something weird i noticed

w/ the 0 weapon delay, when i catch the ball and immediately pass it, if there's someone in front of the pass, it not only deflects the pass, but boosts them across the field :p
