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Posted: 09-01-2006 21:40
by gangstA_uk
u mean a tart a delicous rasberrey tart yum yum brb goin to the fridge

Posted: 09-01-2006 21:48
by speedy
i mean retard

Posted: 09-01-2006 21:49
by gangstA_uk
knew it from the begin *sniff*

Posted: 09-01-2006 22:15
by Rincewind SW
gangstA_uk wrote: looks down with a frown ur knickers went down haha u stinky clown

I would put this quote in my signature but it'd annoy people...

Posted: 09-01-2006 22:31
by gangstA_uk
lol is quite funny

Posted: 25-02-2006 02:59
by Geekinthepink021
Hmm I just stumbled across this thread. I noticed that a lot of people seem to have skins or themes as UI's, and I was wondering how you went about getting one. Any information would be appreciated :)

Posted: 25-02-2006 03:42
by speedy

Posted: 25-02-2006 05:26
by Lukeonia1
Here it is, immortalized on this here forum in all its 1600x1200x32 resolution. It's nice having a 21" monitor, even if it is a 50-pound CRT. :cool: I'm also still working on getting settled into my new system, but as you can see I got a little sidetracked...

EDIT: Oh, and let me know if that's too much spoilerage. Although if any of you can make sense out of my notes before I do, you're welcome to PM me with what you figure out. :p

Posted: 25-02-2006 06:02
by `Ghost`
Tut tut we're on msn 7.5 now matey

Posted: 25-02-2006 06:20
by Lukeonia1
Meh. Haven't gotten around to updating ZoneAlarm or Firefox either. Like I said, I've been sidetracked. :rolleyes:

Posted: 25-02-2006 14:13
by speedy
`Ghost` wrote: Tut tut we're on msn 7.5 now matey
i'm on windows live messenger OLLOL.

Posted: 25-02-2006 17:35
by Rincewind SW

Posted: 25-02-2006 20:02
by Geekinthepink021
My new and improved desktop :D

Posted: 25-02-2006 21:24
by Rincewind SW
Oh my GOD. GMail error. :)

Posted: 25-02-2006 23:11
by Geekinthepink021
LOL! My GMail notifier has never worked properly. Neither has my ability to spell.