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Posted: 08-03-2005 08:34
by maestro
What pisses me off were the following two unregistered posts on nordinho:
all send the "secret" mail, so we all get in the ranking:)
we rock guys!!
so skilled, wow
Yeah, real skilled. I guess it does take skill to copy, paste, send, instead of think, think, think.

And as he said, "wow".

Posted: 08-03-2005 10:08
by boldman
@davidm: the guy that found 'terpentine' forgot to mention using PS somewhere in the process, don't you think??? :-)
+81/-21 in progress...

Posted: 08-03-2005 10:31
by junimond_
yeaha - that rocks!

i love posting shit :D

Posted: 08-03-2005 11:15
by seer
junimond_ wrote: yeaha - that rocks!

i love posting shit :D

Me too :lol:

Posted: 08-03-2005 11:19
by Unistardust
...hmm....Is that too many cheaters send fake keyword and ridiculous comment to the ranking system is halt for two days???

Posted: 08-03-2005 11:22
by seer
Fell over laughing when i seen the reference to Boobies :D

Posted: 08-03-2005 13:16
by nighthawk263
:lol: Will the insanity ever stop??? I mean come on if you would see an answer given in a forum by someone w. only like 1 or 2 post wouldn't you think something was up??????

I hope stuipidity isn't contagious or we're going to have to quarentine these idiots!

Posted: 08-03-2005 18:27
by |RoQ|
in that nordinho page ppl submit games in threads and start building wlakthroughs, so if u make he delete that thread, another idiot will submit that again and another walkthrough gonna be maked, the best option is keep posting bad answers, maybe more dead ends, w/e, but if u want to tell more things to this guy Nordinho contact him here

Posted: 08-03-2005 18:51
by dedoeper
this is what the riddle gives you..

Posted: 09-03-2005 00:48
by david_g
dont use that stupid answer, theyre false, check this

and also check this

theyre cheating us, so lets get the real answer and POST IT HERE AND EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!
We've been found.


Posted: 09-03-2005 00:49
by DavidM

Posted: 09-03-2005 00:50
by DavidM
i created a new thread and moved the old content over here, because they link to our moanthread (this one), and now their link aint working anymore :P

Posted: 09-03-2005 00:56
by Burntdollar
DavidM wrote: i created a new thread and moved the old content over here, because they link to our moanthread (this one), and now their link aint working anymore :P

Great job David! Too bad you managed to cause a blackout in the entire forums that scared almost everyone off!!!:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 09-03-2005 01:01
by david_g
I talked a bit with the people at and they've now removed their notpron cheats thread and edited spoilers out of the hints thread.

Posted: 09-03-2005 01:05
by DavidM
cool thanks :)

forum downage was about the whole server....dunno what happened, but its alot faster now. i have nothing to do with that server stuff, remember that