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Posted: 29-10-2003 19:25
by CurvE
/me agrees with Fallen ...but i'd say more like 95% depending on the opposition....

Posted: 29-10-2003 19:29
by Sqleaf
gemXX wrote: I'll keep waiting for you to share these unique tactics that allow a defender to stop enemy boosting into the air 100% of the time.


Posted: 29-10-2003 19:44
by klesk
when i played in some tournaments (not leaque, just little tournaments of DB) the admins just decided to not-count boostgoals (it was 1.6 at that time). it worked well and why dont use the same rule in DBL? u can make a demo when u play an opponent who u think of that they'll use the trick. and u could make it impossible for the boosted man to volley the ball or even slow down the volley. i dunno if that was emntioned yet but i think u should think of it davidm.

Posted: 29-10-2003 20:01
by gemXX
Sqleaf wrote: ok...


Posted: 29-10-2003 20:36
by Sequa
klesk wrote: why dont use the same rule in DBL?

because people like me would quit db because they think about what game they are playing where it is not allowed to do something that is possible. I would absolutely disagree with rules which forbid any kind of moves.
If it is not possible to stop such moves then maybe it's the wrong game concept.

Posted: 29-10-2003 20:43
by Twigstir
Sqleaf wrote:
I don't see many new players at the moment. I got a suggestion about that actually.

When 1.9 is released officially and is being used on all public/clan servers is there a chance you could get FilePlanet to host it for download? I'm not sure if you advertise DBall anywhere but making it available on FilePlanet will dramatically increase the chances of new players downloading and playing it.
Oh, and include a link to #dbpickup somewhere in there. Dunno where though.

Deatball is on fileplanet or at least was. Advertising isn't the answer. Epic has given deathball a lot of publicity. New players come. Most don't stay for long. The death of deathball is well underway. Hell, deathball's life has been given a huge break with the delay of UT2004. However, it's still seems to be headed for the grave yard.

Posted: 29-10-2003 21:08
by Sqleaf
Twigstir wrote: Epic has given deathball a lot of publicity.

Ah right, I didn't know that. Thats pretty good then really. But still, nothing wrong with making DeathBall seen a bit more.

Posted: 29-10-2003 21:15
by Sixty
Omg twigstir plz dont be so pessimistic :( <--(or summin)
Deathball sill has a lot of players, and when i go pub sometimes, i c a lot of n00bs having a lot of fun trying to get the ball on the enemy goal, and thats the clue of the game. Instead of all spamming DEATHBALL IS DEAD on the forum, just go play the game, and everything will turn out to be just fine

Posted: 29-10-2003 21:39
by DiStUrbeD
Fallen wrote: Man to man defense is 90% effective to stop boost tricks...

yep, is that why everyone in my clan doesnt mind boost tricks?

we play man defense :\

Posted: 29-10-2003 21:44
by theberkin8or
twig imo your volley only server isn't helping the problem... VO kills n00bs' chances of geting into db for most... i don't know that there is much we can do about it as i am not sure that ppl would play reg anymore in pub but VO coulda and shoulda been stoped b4 it was such a problem imo of course :X

Posted: 29-10-2003 21:54
by Twigstir
I call it like a see it. The evidence is all there. An everything is grand and will be just find attitude in a shrinking community will not produce positive results.

I like deathball and would like to see it grow. I don't see that happening. I'd love to just go and play, but the opportunities to do so have dramatically diminished and the trend is continuing.

Posted: 29-10-2003 22:44
by Twigstir
theberkin8or wrote: twig imo your volley only server isn't helping the problem... VO kills n00bs' chances of geting into db for most... i don't know that there is much we can do about it as i am not sure that ppl would play reg anymore in pub but VO coulda and shoulda been stoped b4 it was such a problem imo of course :X

There is nothing wrong with volley only. You want deathball to changed to force people to play how you like to play. Getting rid of VO is not very wise and won't produce the results you want.

Yes, there is a problem finding regular matches in NA. The community has dramatically shrunk. My server is NOT volley only. People choose to play that way. I have bigger shooting maps on the server but people choose not to play them. Stopping them from having fun playing VO is not the answer. It would only shrink the community more.

I spent a lot of money for my server to help deathball out. My server does not hurt deathball. It would be great if people had the opportunity to play both VO and regular. It's not my fault that the floor dropped out of regular deathball.

You could step to the plate and setup a regular only NA server. Whether or not people will choose to play on it is not up to me.

Games like UT survive by giving people as many opportunities to have fun as possible. limiting those opportunities is pure stupidity.

Everyone wants deathball to be changed for league play and to suit themselves. They want to force people into one style of play. Doing so has brought deathball to it current state.

UT Dom players would love to see their community grow. Getting rid of everything else UT would not bring that about.

Posted: 29-10-2003 23:57
by Armagon
I agree 100% with you Twigstir.

By taking away all these various tricks (including those that were "lamed"), Deathball doesn't give you as much freedom as it used to.

Back in the day of 1.4b, where not that many tricks had been removed yet, I could do a wide range of attacks. Because I had such an open variety, it was very easy for me to be unpredictable as an attacker. I learnt several tactics in my first few weeks of DBing. Several of the tricks that I made use of included the n00b cannon, back wall volleys, normal shots, penix shots, and more.

Dribbling was always fun, nobody ever complained about people doing it, as long as they didn't become ego whores and hog the ball. This was removed in 1.5/1.6. Given the new sprint feature we had started using, we didn't really need dribble anymore with sprint on. So we adapted and continued playing.

Whenever I wanted to catch a keeper by suprise, I would go for the n00b cannon. When that got taken out of DB I thought, "Yeah, OK. I can see how this move would get lamed." So I adapted, and moved on.

Whenever I did any back wall volleys, I was able to pull them off so much more effectively, because I would always be back within ball range almost immediately, as I launched myself extremely close to the wall and volleyed it in at a very tight angle. What pissed me off about DB 1.8 was that I couldn't do this anymore because of the one second latency between when you shoot the ball and can hit it again. The only style of backwall I can really do now are longer range, and more predictable. Another of my attacking strengths was gone, OK, I can handle that. So I adapted and continued playing.

I'm still a pretty strong attacker, though it has certainly become harder because defenders can find me a bit more predictable now. It's not really hard to predict what I will do, when I only have three real options. Either go for a normal shot, back wall it, or pass to a team mate.

DavidM has taken a lot of the different tactics that I've heard, got lamed a lot. I don't know about your european and american styles of play but this was a rarity in OzForces. As I continue to play DB, I realise, this is why I haven't been finding it as fun. There simply isn't enough variety to keep me interested.

Posted: 30-10-2003 00:03
by beefsack
Catalyst88 wrote: Problem is the people who're happy don't feel a need to complain and thus don't post about it :)

i like 1.9 beta. i like everything about it. i think it is a good step forward.

Posted: 30-10-2003 01:00
by klesk
Sequa wrote: because people like me would quit db because they think about what game they are playing where it is not allowed to do something that is possible. I would absolutely disagree with rules which forbid any kind of moves.
If it is not possible to stop such moves then maybe it's the wrong game concept.

pfff as if it is a reason to quit playing a game because they forbid a lame(!) move until they fixed it. trust me, it doesnt have a big effect whether to forbid the move or to remove it from the game. sorry but your post is silly