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Posted: 22-09-2003 19:40
by theberkin8or
omg why are you going to do all this work when all your have to do is just take the bot that NA uses and then use it :x

Posted: 22-09-2003 20:00
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
maybe coz it works like poo? =)

the keeper choses teams thingy is ok plaer already said -.-

Posted: 22-09-2003 20:39
by theberkin8or
that is what NA does duh... just has a bot to help set up game

Posted: 24-09-2003 10:02
by f1end
Triple_B wrote: well fist of all, change the pickup to: 2 keepers - 2 sweepers - 6 attackers then :)

Or...2 goalies, 2 sweepers, 4 mids, 2 strikers...otherwise u can get arguments about which of the 2 def is gonna sweep, which attacker is gonna goal-hang...etc.

Posted: 24-09-2003 11:44
by Triple_B
well I explained my tactic, but apparrently you didn't quite understand it. 1 keep - 1 sweep, the rest of the 3 attack and boost back asap, simple as that

Posted: 24-09-2003 15:38
by f1end
And how does the last 1 of the 3 boost back O_o

Posted: 24-09-2003 16:11
by BurntLeaf
He doesnt. He is therefore the pointman.

Posted: 24-09-2003 16:57
by FeEdiKo
omg, what rating do i have that i still have to play with n00bs? -_- :eek:

gimme teh 0 \o

Posted: 25-09-2003 04:43
by CurvE
I honistly think the DBPUG bot for the Americans are far better....

That way... YOU can choose who you want on your team, I.E you could choose your friends, clanmates or the people who you think is good.. or works together, that way, its entierly your fault that you lost, and then you'd learn your mistakes and tryout a diferent team... see?

Say like 10 players add to a pickup... the bot picks out 2 random players out of that ten... they then select their position... and then select from the remaining 8 people in the free position slots around them..

Or.. You could just type !captainblue... and that would make you captain (default position been keeper) and then you choose who you want...

I think i might be tripping up on my words here... repeating them alot now O_o ... but i think this suggestion would be flawless...

EDIT: The rating system cannot be exactly right, for someone plays bad one day, the next.. they play good... which part would they be rated on? good performance, or bad? you cannot watch ALL players in the game, just cause someone scores 5 goals in a pickup, doesnt make them good... someone might just know how he/she plays?

Posted: 25-09-2003 04:47
by theberkin8or
what he said duh^^^ (what i said too)