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Posted: 13-06-2003 23:19
by DavidM
hm, but volleys are harder in 1.7 0_o

Posted: 13-06-2003 23:21
by Scotteh
If volleys are harder then why does every single person use them instead of just shooting.

Posted: 13-06-2003 23:22
by uberslacker

Posted: 13-06-2003 23:23
by DavidM
hm, we score most of our goals by shooting, and we have pretty much the best offense in EU

Posted: 13-06-2003 23:25
by Armagon
Most of the players over here in Australia seem to favour the normal shots.
Although I myself am a volley-whore. ;)

Posted: 13-06-2003 23:25
by Scotteh
Don't you mean shooting from broomsticks. :ban:

Posted: 13-06-2003 23:28
by uberslacker
again, the only way you can use regular shooting to score most of your goals is if you're playing some european crappy 'davidm defense.' that crap doesn't work in NA

Posted: 14-06-2003 00:39
by uberslacker
well i went for myself onto a european server today and let me tell you, davidm was right, the defenses are that bad, but thats not all...

i couldn't believe how unorganized and how clueless the people on defense looked, lol

and the offense... well once it was 3v1 and the person with the ball went for a volley... of course he didn't score

and shooting, once i actually got passed to instead of someone going for a volley this was easy seeing how the defense and the goalie sucked

well you're right davidm, but only about european play, come play in NA for a while and you'll see where we're coming from

Posted: 14-06-2003 00:46
by R3L!K
You base your opinion of European standards of play on a public server?

You think that going to give you a fair idea?

Posted: 14-06-2003 01:35
by uberslacker
lol, from what davidm says about european defense, it sounds like thats as good as it gets

and give us a fair idea please, get a scrim with us or something, i'm in #clan-ns on pgp, would love to see how you 'really' play and that davidm's descriptions of european defense are not true

Posted: 14-06-2003 02:07
by NaB
ask rush. they've scrimmed against tezc a few times

Posted: 14-06-2003 03:25
by Scotteh
Ya we did, but that was a while ago so I'm not sure if tezc is still the same team as they once were.

Posted: 14-06-2003 03:59
by R3L!K
We haven't changed that much.

I have some grey hair now. And Rage needs a walking stick. :)

Posted: 14-06-2003 05:03
by Surge
maybe thats why TZEC is one of the top teams in europe. Unfortunetally all teams in NA use the same style of TEZC so theres MANY other factors in determining a games outcome. When we all the play the same style, we all need to find variations.

Currently in DB there are none. What we ask for are ideas to EXPAND gameplay possibilities, not restrict us to just volleying and boosting.

Posted: 14-06-2003 06:20
by Zanboo
*Breaks away from playing Star Wars Galaxies*

Good point Surge, the name of the game is playability and as it currently stands there are only two tactics to master. Volley and boost. Once you master those, there's nothing left.

And in case you haven't noticed, the defense isn't bitching that much, so you've gotten that right M, now fix offense.

BTW will soon be changed to a site pertaining to SWG, because their team actually listens to feedback from their fans. COMING SOON

*Goes back to SWG*