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Posted: 02-01-2006 04:38
by Futile
wow, same here!

i love that show :)

Posted: 02-01-2006 07:34
by cutelvh9
it was a link at my highschool's website

Posted: 02-01-2006 09:39
by Runa
Lothlinwen told me she was notproning and I catched the ball.
we began during the early december, and she is currently working on level 21, I'm taking my time in solving 23 (i'm close to the victory :p )

Posted: 20-01-2006 04:39
by Mr Fettuccine
I found it on someone's online diary. I forget how I found her diary because it was just one random person that I found...

Posted: 08-02-2006 16:05
by kewangji
a friend played it and i helped

Posted: 08-02-2006 16:10
by janni93
a co-worker send an email round about a year ago, but I never bothered... well until a week ago, now I'm bothered a lot :-/

Posted: 08-02-2006 16:16
by Runa
janni93 wrote: a co-worker send an email round about a year ago, but I never bothered... well until a week ago, now I'm bothered a lot :-/

if i understood well, you are playing notpron since a week?
woah! you're running fast!

Posted: 08-02-2006 16:35
by janni93
Runa wrote: if i understood well, you are playing notpron since a week?
woah! you're running fast!

I was...

<------- totally stuck

Posted: 08-02-2006 18:38
by joanne_is_cool
my sister's friend. I don't know where she got it.

Posted: 19-03-2006 13:54
by Andzia
One of my mum's students told her about NotPron and she showed it to me :D

Posted: 19-03-2006 16:41
by mentor777
Found link on

Posted: 19-03-2006 19:36
by dodireri
Someone in the riddle thread on mentioned it. I was the only one really interested in this riddle, and it made a nice alternative to guessing at our original riddles.

Posted: 19-03-2006 20:25
by little_green
I guess I got here by a slightly obscure route. Someone posted a link in the Off Topic section of an Orlando Bloom messageboard that I'm a mod at. I often stop playing for months at a time, but I always come back!

(By the way, I'm not a squealy teeny fangirl... honest!)

Posted: 19-03-2006 20:54
by blue_jocker
Well, in an "EGM Brasil" issue (a magazine here in Brazil, which is, let's say, descendant of the US EGM)

Posted: 19-03-2006 21:42
by MadPAM
It was mentioned in the Gamestar magazine - a German PC gaming magazine.