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Posted: 14-01-2004 08:47
by Scorp
cmon chick ! \o/

Posted: 14-01-2004 09:08
by Catalyst88
BlackFlame wrote: yeah if its 6 of 1half a dozen of another then everything is the same as it was, so why remove his ops?

P.S. still love that avatar

I explained to him why I temporarily removed his ops. If he ever comes back he's welcome to them again.

Posted: 14-01-2004 09:08
by Chick-kun
FireCell wrote: I think hes working on one, without my uber leet help.. maybe cause i managed to code bits of the last one without knowing absolutely any mIRC script =S \o/

p.s ill ask him about the new one :)

(07:42:52) (@FireCell) how far along are you with the new dbpickup script thing?
(07:43:02) (@Chick-kun) not very far
(07:43:02) (@Chick-kun) =S


yeah, theres loads of code to do =S im on the last bit with -form =S
cheers cata, youll probably see me in there in a couple of days or so

Posted: 14-01-2004 14:11
by Messy
hi2u kippie <3

toktok \o/

I just read all of this and.. DAMN

This is a looooong and silly whine/spam/bitch/flame thread x_X

So useless :o

Posted: 14-01-2004 14:16
by cY|riCo
and its still opened \o/

Posted: 14-01-2004 14:25
by Chick-kun
Messy wrote: hi2u kippie <3

toktok \o/

I just read all of this and.. DAMN

This is a looooong and silly whine/spam/bitch/flame thread x_X

So useless :o

well tell the 3 buddies to stop whining about op abuse
they started bullshitting so i had to defend myself.
thats the obvious thing to do

Posted: 14-01-2004 14:30
by NightBoY
hmm, a "imhereforagesheisnottakehisopandgiveittome" thread?

Posted: 14-01-2004 21:01
by GazMaN
"ive left the community"

mmmm action replay!!!!!!!!

if you dont like the community (which tbh suks ass) why do you keep coming back?

Posted: 14-01-2004 21:14
by Fruitcake
this thread is STILL HERE?
delete it pls noone wants this kinda stuff flooding the forums :eek:

Posted: 14-01-2004 22:01
by fs|Pele
you cant delete it , i havent found the exit yet :/

dont close me in :(

fruiteh me

Posted: 14-01-2004 22:45
by Fruitcake
/me helps peelee \o/

Posted: 15-01-2004 08:16
by Chick-kun
GazMaN wrote: "ive left the community"

mmmm action replay!!!!!!!!

if you dont like the community (which tbh suks ass) why do you keep coming back?
Catalyst88 wrote: I explained to him why I temporarily removed his ops. If he ever comes back he's welcome to them again.
gives me a reason to staying, otherwise id be long gone playing ET
dont forget, i parted all db chans
so yeah, i was gonna leave it until cata said that im allowed my ops back

Posted: 15-01-2004 11:20
by |Taken|
I havn't read the past 2 pages of posts 'cause they're all :spammer:.
If you want stuff like this sorted i propose davidm and other important ops e.g. cata (supposed manager o #dbpickup) get together and get some rules set for their damn ops.

- If you're going to kick them at least warn them first, it's rediculous to kick them without a warning or without the thing they're doing being illegal to that chan.

- People should have an explanation given to them as to why they are banned.

- If people have a problem and want someone banned there should be proof in their argument and then both people included in the problem should be talked to...

- Ops shouldn't be so lazy as to not ban people when they have broken rule #5 in #dbpickup (e.g. Cam and everyone else but elica) that's GHEY

- I think that if the op has no proof of rule #5 being broken the ban should be say 5 hours as aposed to 1 day...

READ THIS ::Pfffff::

As for DavidM, you can talk to him all you want and unless he's interested he's just not going to answer. What kind of an example is that setting for the rest of the ops?

David you are the KING of this community and as ruler you should listen to them and you should do something about things once you do listen. They may know more than you.
We play in pubs more often than you do David and if you can't handle everything as well as us hasseling you get another Bazzi/queen (he has it sussed).


Posted: 15-01-2004 12:54
by Chick-kun
If you're going to kick them at least warn them first, it's rediculous to kick them without a warning or without the thing they're doing being illegal to that chan.

kicking is nothing as most people have autorejoin when kicked turned on. if you cry op abuse tough shit.

- People should have an explanation given to them as to why they are banned.

who says i have never put an explanation whenever ive banned people (all 2 times ive banned (that i can remember) ive given an explanation)

- Ops shouldn't be so lazy as to not ban people when they have broken rule #5 in #dbpickup (e.g. Cam and everyone else but elica) that's GHEY

some people are prejudiced, but hey, lifes not fair

Posted: 15-01-2004 13:53
by Capital_G
Jesus christ, this started out with some1 saying frosch a couple of times? What the hell is so bad about "Frosch". OMG, IM BEING COMPARED BY A GERMAN CLEANING LIQUID THINGY!!!!! AAAAAH.

besides that, dont whine about a kick, get banned for 5 weeks long, then u get the right to complain.

I searched on google to find ANYTHING insulting about frosch....
I came up with a dozen people, some Frosch Studio thingy, (they make flash movies :O). A Frosch Ralley..........a frograce from the looks of it. and after seeing a ascii movie about a frog eating bugs, I got sick of it and decided there are better things to do.

This post is silly :x