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Posted: 14-12-2003 22:14
by Noko
Ars3... why are you here?

Do you feel it is your calling?

Posted: 14-12-2003 22:21
by Ars3nal
I feel =[ACE]= are a shit clan

Posted: 14-12-2003 22:52
by Maegrim
yea, just like [poo] and {shit}

Posted: 14-12-2003 23:01
by TEZC-Rage
yea you live in washingborough a place for abusive drug users prostitutes and alcoholics. At least the giles are full of people that want to crush little weeds like yourself. Why? because we don't care who we hurt and what happens to our selfs... look at who was released from prison not long ago, for attempted murder.. he nearly bludgeoned someone to death and still goes around like nothing happens. So if word of you gets out amongst them matthew smith you maybe very unpopular soon. Even amongst your... oh sorry you don't have any friends

Posted: 14-12-2003 23:02
by Ars3nal
how many ppl am i going to own today heh

i live in waddington kthx pwnt

btw i also know the gille lot, my step sister was one of them for christ sakes, and why would they care about you? your a little nerd who never shows his face

Posted: 14-12-2003 23:41
by speedy

Registered: Dec 2003
Posts: 27

lynx got pwnt.

Posted: 14-12-2003 23:43
by TEZC-Rage
little? you call 6'2 little? played rugby for school, city and county. could throw a 7k shotput 16m @ the age of 16. believe me i ain't little. And if you mean nerds by sitting on a computer talking to the rest of the community, then think we all are guilty of that. At least we have friends that like to talk to us, and can be bothered to take the time out of their life and speak nicely to one another. Rather than piss everyone off every 2 secs with slader / racism.

Posted: 14-12-2003 23:58
by GazMaN
Ars3nal wrote: if you are trying to be clever and stating i live near the rage family, i dont, i live at least 4-6 miles from them and when i did visit thier skanky estate it was to go to my dads girlfriends, and now my dad has left her i wont be going anywhere near them, thank god they have some right shit houses round there, council houses!

ok, you wont go round there, wats to say rage wont come round your way?

Will you be all tough talking and in your face if you ever met him?

and remember , he prolly knows wat you look like too.

id be careful if i was you, you reall are digging a nasty little hole for yourself

Posted: 15-12-2003 16:13
by Messy
I giggled at the last few pages :)
Thread getting funnier every time i read it.

The best part is when lynx calls everyone a nerd while he's actually the guy continuously spamming useless posts 24/7 \o/

oh w8..that must make me..

aaaaack *runs*

well the difference is that i still play the game that the forum is originally based on..whilst lynx has seemingly quit playing the game, also he's an ugly faggot towny boy and i'm not :D (..well im not a fag and not a towny ;) i guess u could describe me as an ugly boy tho -.-)

Posted: 15-12-2003 16:47
by RaGe|DB
GazMaN wrote: and remember , he prolly knows wat you look like too.

/me feels sorry for rage...

Posted: 16-12-2003 10:27
by BL44T
Why isnt lynx banned yet?

Posted: 16-12-2003 10:31
by XiLLeRaToR
or more importantly, why does he still breathe? waste of oxygen to be totally fucking honest, shits like that are contaminating the gene pool for the rest of the planet

Posted: 16-12-2003 10:32
by BL44T
I actually ment banned from life

Posted: 16-12-2003 21:45
by TEZC_Robban
baffles me why lynx sees enjoyment in pissing others off, must have a rough upbringing.. or none at all.

Posted: 16-12-2003 23:11
by Noko
A: =[ACE]= isn't technically a clan.
B: Even If it were a clan, does anyone value your opinion enough to listen?

by the way, that's rhetorical. The answer is NO