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Posted: 26-07-2003 05:55
by Notorius_G.I.B.
Omg Sin is easier to understand then Insane.

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:55
by Bodom
Dirt was being serious!!! BAN HIM FROM VIDEO GAMES!~@#@*~*#!!!!!

Posted: 26-07-2003 05:57
by SuPeR_ChEvY
Thanks Dirt. BTW i failed vocab so KMA! and duh of course im the worst. Everyone knows that.
I will learn how to score on you biatch


Posted: 26-07-2003 06:06
by Crazn
pffffffffffshhhhhhhhhhhh uhh i like most v3's but it's getting to be a pain to play them. Whether you like it/notice it or not v3 DOES play like poor sports constantly spamming and talking trash, no need for it, was never this harsh back when they weren't a reckoning force. It was alot more fun before the game was decided by who can volly better because I mean a 2v1 is basically always a goal now.. and v3 is a very good boosting clan and full of volliers. But you can't hate them for that though. But the shit like that game vs |ES| way the fuck back when v3 was just getting started.. what was the score of that game? I won't even venture a guess for fear of being flamed by overcalculating the massacre. What bs is that? fear of flamage by a clan? Insane, dude, CHILL WITH THE CUSSING, you can get your point across way better if you werent f'n the **** outta *** son of a ***** mofaka, anyways this is a big deal, the antics need to stop in order for v3 to earn, EARN, respect.

Posted: 26-07-2003 06:08
by Surge
Insane nice dodge work and shotty responces. First of all, when you put on a clan tag, be it [V3] or [-SoP-] you represent not just yourself but your entire clan. When you say "Hey fuckface" all of [V3] is saying it. Please remember this for further reference because you are not only embarassing yourself but your entire clan.

I question what bullshit your putting up with from me... one forum post that was only created due to your arrogant leader challenging me to post? Thats the sole reason for this. I'm not to blame for pointing out the obvious, Bodom is. Also, when did i say you kill clans? Bodom said you kill clans. Sin agreed. I'm just staing what your own people said.

Your whole theory of "we want you gone so we can win" is fataly flawed. We dont play much anymore and we still lose to NS and RusH... what are we accomplishing by trying to get you kicked out? I'm tired, and judging by the poll resaults and other posts, a lot of others are tired of V3's attitude towards the DB community.

Also, clarifying on the picking up players situation, it makes it harder for smaller clans to get started due to lack of players. This isnt fun for smaller clans. They all want to be part of bigger clans much like how i wanted to be part of SoP and you wanted to be part of V3. This community lacks solid clans, not good players, and V3 destroying these new clans did nothing positive for the community. About the aspect of you beating us 20-0, your fellow V3 player said it. As i said prior, this means it reflects the etire clans attitude towards the situation. I know this is how my clan feels. The question is do you know your properly representing your clan? I'd feel sorry for decent people like Bullet and Imag who at least say they arnt a perfect clan by any stretch.

About the DBC situation, why would you even recruit Zan knowing what he had done. you recruited him after the fact. You knew his track record, you knew how the community as a whole felt about him yet still you accepted him as one of your own. You can tell a lot about a peron by the company they keep.

Also, the majority of your statistics are incorrect. RIP and Cor left after the first qualifying season, in which span they did play V3 and they both hated you, Cormega mainly. They were both getting tired of DB sure, but people that play games simply to piss others off and jack them around like V3 does, or did when they were around, pushed them both out of DB.

Insane remember the time you were running away from home to your uncles in Illinois? i do... too bad when you got their you loged into IRC from your home IP... This incident alone diminishes your credability of truthfullness when it was so blantantly obvious you are lying. You still dont see this in your above post but anyone from the NA that actually has some kind of common sence knows a great deal, but nto all, of your post has absolutly no merrit.

You still havnt answered my one main question, but instead chose to stretch my words and make them sound how you wanted them to.

What has V3 done good for the NA community? You pretty well skimmed over that question completely. Good job. I pointed out your flaws and you flamed me, how about doing something constructive like saying whats good about V3 opposed to how much every1 else sucks.

Posted: 26-07-2003 06:23
by Bodom
"About the DBC situation, why would you even recruit Zan knowing what he had done. you recruited him after the fact. You knew his track record, you knew how the community as a whole felt about him yet still you accepted him as one of your own."

I believe in giving people a second chance, not holding a grudge. Forgiveness is a virtue.

1) If you take me saying "we kill clans" to heart, you're retarded. If you really think we go out of our way to absolutely crush a clan and its players, just for the sake of doing so, you're a sick person. Some clans just aren't meant for DB because it's so team oriented. ES was one of those clans...when we played them 4 of their 5 had never even heard of the DB League, and none of them liked the game to begin with. I assume their leader or Cluster liked it and signed them up without telling anybody. ES also never died, they just didn't play DB because none of them liked it. We say we kill clans to piss off people like you surge...people that treat this game like a job. I played everquest for a year and a half and I know your type all too well.

2) Cormega hated me/us because I argued over the validity of techno with him which he loves.

"What has V3 done good for the NA community?"

Read my post, then reply. Prodigy from Flatline mentioned in this thread both gnomeh and xelent helping him with his keeping. I helped revive TFO when they were at a very low point with nearly 6 members and the leadership ready to quit. Look at them now, they're doing better than ever. Insane helped teach Goaleh how to keep awhile back. I helped teach Super Chevy offense before he even knew what #ballers was. Nearly every member has taken the time to teach at least one other player some tricks of the trade.

Also, we offer a free, very low ping server to the NA community to use for free for pug games. As you undoubtedly know, V3 server is often pug haven.

Now answer your own question Surge, what have YOU done to help the community besides bitch and moan about every aspect of Deathball?

Posted: 26-07-2003 06:24
by Bodom
Crazn - When do we spam/talk shit in scrims/matches. I seriously can't recall us doing this in the past few months...we stopped it for a reason. People can change.

Posted: 26-07-2003 06:33
by -NS-Dirt
Surge, Clan's don't change people, 1 man's opinion is his opinion, not a clan's at a whole. Although Insane showed childish grammer, it doesn't represent his clan.

Posted: 26-07-2003 06:44
by Crazn
Past few months? How long do you think you've been a clan? I don't have any logs or anything but it's well known that v3 is notorious for the spam binds.. the binds are "shit talk"

no hard feelings bodom cuz i lub joo may, just while it's all out just wanna express some feelings :-\

Posted: 26-07-2003 06:59
by Bodom
Crazn loves me

Posted: 26-07-2003 07:00
by Surge
Bodom wrote: As far as the IRC logs go…the timestamp is 3:30ish AM. Taking stuff said that late as the truth isn’t good.
So your telling me that your entire excuse for starting this is that is was late and truth isnt good? What if you work the night shift? what if you just had a nap and woke up? What if you are up early to go for a jog before work? Thats the flimsiest reason i'v ever heard for someone who goes back on their word. Comming from the leader of a clan, an excuss that holds less weight than a paper clip shows a LOT about their clan.

What about "we were wrong"? what about "this is all a mistake"? No.. you have to come in here and make some joke out of this statement you, the LEADER of V3 made. No way sunshine, you arnt sneaking your way out of this. You got yourself into this and there isnt a reason in the world you should even still be here.

I don't know about anyone else in the DB community but hearing an excuse like that comming from the leader of the number one clan shows how truely weak they really are, or at least their leadership. An eye for an eye and everyone is blind. Is V3's pride and honor on the line? Nope. Will people think less of you that we already do? yup.
Blaaguuu, I always held you in a favorable light since the day I met you, and Surge’s postings aren’t going to change that. If he really wants to alter what I say and take lines out of context, let him. He’s only attacking my character, and if what he says is true, there’s nothing left to attack. But then again, if that were true, would I take the time to rebuke every lie uttered from his keyboard?

Judging by your company Bodom, your clan members, who represent you, see otherwise. They've attacked all of SoP for no apparenty reason instead of defending this so called "V3 pride" they have. This prode that has yeilded few friends and even less allies. They chose to lash out at not just me, but other members of the community, SoP or not, to attack them personally opposed to showing them that V3 are better people than we think they are. Also Bodom, i'd like to ask what lies are there? I don't mind if you don't explain them or shed any truth, but as far as I, and many others obviously, are concerned, my original post is almost dead on. I dont need this run-around.

“I caught you and blitz trash talking to Bodom. If you are so good to the db community. Then why don’t you tell everyone the little childish remarks you were making towards him.”

Everybody trash talks, I take none of the personal attacks to heart. My clan trash talks as much as everybody else, and we're very sarcastic by nature. I think one of the main problems is everybody takes our ribbing too seriously, and posts like this get started. If the American DB community could take our trash talking with a grain of salt, everything would be fine. We always take yours like that...just return the favor.

open mouth, insert foot. Thats all this pervious paragraph means to me. This whole problem started out with simple ribbing.. the ribbing you dont take seriosuly. You threw down the gauntlet and i accepted your challenge. Why are you still here? cant handel a little ribbing? what keep?

For the most part we dont talk trash. I would never talk trash to anyone i wasnt friendly with or i didnt really know. I dont trash talk RusH players except Forn occasionally and GIB when he goes anti-canuck on me ;). I don't trash-talk NS players almost at all... The only trash-talking the the NA community comes from V3 and is directed towards V3 with little to no exceptions.

"Before v3, waay back in 1.3b and 1.4b, the american db community was flourishing. I remember the big four clans, RusH, NS, L7, and SoP always played with eachother and had great respect for one another when playing... aka no bug goals and nothing cheap."

Uber, you know that in scrims and matches we never score off a bug, we ALWAYS give it back. What my clan does in a public game is not of my concern – if they want to score on a bug, so be it. Think of the reputation you’re giving us by posting stuff like this…you make us out to be a team that spasm binds through all 30 min of the game, scores on every bug, then flaunts every victory on IRC for hours. Even in the past none of this was true, except the spamming part, and even then it was mainly Sin after goals/at the end of the match. In reality, almost every scrim/match we’ve had with SoP, NS, and RusH since 1.7 came out has been very respectable and very subdued. You guys need to recognize the winds of change when they are blowing – we recognized your complaints about the spamming and installed a V-Chip into sin’s brain that prevents it.

Bodom your shit doesnt smell any sweet than ours. Get off your horse already. I dont even score bug goals in public games and many other players don't. Saying "they can do what they want" or "i have no control over them" shows something about your quality of leadership. Its severly lacking. I'm not a bad sport, i never have been. I get angry at the end of matchs, i get pissed at what some people do in the game, i feel like taunting keepers every time a score. But do I? thats a different story all together. I'm a good sport. I leave the game at the end, just like everyone else. I dont use some "eat it nubcake" bind even on pub servers unless i know the other keeper and i'm ribbing them because i know they'll do it right back if i miss... Thats where you miss the point. We do it to people who we know and whos company we enjoy, not every single player that walks onto the pitch. Get some decency or get lost.

"v3 is single handedly going to bring down deathball in NA, now their disease is spreading to euro, we need to do something about this shit"

It pains me to see a post like this. Just think about what you’re saying for a second. Do you REALLY think that by allegedly spamming a few binds (which we no longer do in matches), or by scoring cheaply (which again, we don’t), we can bring down an entire game community? Every single one of you has posted on other threads about how certain DB aspects are killing DB. Now because one player posts a 30 min heated argument and backs it up with generally illogical and unproven opinions, you believe it is us killing DB? The community needed a scapegoat, and it makes sense we filled the role. Before you burn the “witch” at the stake, take a step back and think about what you’re saying, and what you’re condoning by supporting such actions. Fix the game, not the players.

The only thing that should pain you is how naive your answer was to this problem. Saying your the scapegoat in a dying community. Not a chance. Your not the special, your just annoying and intollerable by most of this community. You can't honestly say you didnt see this comming eventually, that would be an outrigh lie. Get over yourself. Your the reason for the dying community. You too dodged my bullet... what good does V3 bring to the community. The name "Vini Vedi Vici" alone implies that you couldnt give a rats ass about this community. You came, you saw, you conquered. Whats next for V3 now that your on top? you have no more competition because no one wants to play you. You are killing DB and you dont even know it.

As a clan, we wish nothing but the best on the American DB community. The secret to DB: it's a game, and we're sarcastic teenagers - stop being so serious.

To sum everything up, I'll quote a friend...

"The only person making a move to remove people is -you- ... who's on the powertrip?
V3 has fun.. I even have fun when I play with you Surge, but shit like this = the end of db"

Your right, this is the end of DB. You havnt got the concept that no one wants to play with sarcastic teenagers. No one wants to rib with you, no one wants to be your next victim. The problem is not that your good, the problem is that your "sarcastic teenager" attitudes are corrupting the game to where we dont want to play you. I dont care if we lose, especially against V3, because i will always know that we are the better team because we never had to resort to moves like the boost trick in earlier versions when we first discovered it. SoP-ML was the #1 team in Div 1 qualifying much like your #1 in div 1 now... does it feel good to know that your only there because your sarcastic attitude is what beats opponents?

Posted: 26-07-2003 07:11
by Bodom
*sigh*...there's no reasoning with a person that won't listen to reason.

Surge, I don't care what you have to say anymore. It's just not worth reading your blatant lies meant only to deface my clan, and my friends. If you really cared about the community, you'd know what you're doing now only hurts it.

Posted: 26-07-2003 07:13
by Surge
so your friends in V3 can deface me and my clan but i cant deface yours? why the double standard Bodom? too good to reply? or maybe its because i'm right and you know it...

Posted: 26-07-2003 07:15
by Zoline
Speaking of ending... this community is horrid. I don't see any reason why people are actually still here.

So... to go on... like anyone gives a fuck about this community anymore....

I just wanted to say I'm done with this shit... I played Deathball to have fun... and is all this drama fun? Nope. So is there a reason to continue? Nope.

All in short, I quit Deathball. Not like anyone really gives half-a-shit around here anymore.

Posted: 26-07-2003 07:19
by [V3]*Sin
omfg all this useless posting:/ point is we came we saw surges fat slutty juicy pussy we fucked your shit for dicks nigger on wall seek deez nutz surgey poo and rot in hell post whore kthx whos NEXT!!!!! and i win