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Posted: 09-05-2003 01:09
by Killing_U
frosty i support your mod idea and plz pursuit this idea

Posted: 10-05-2003 00:47
by moonhead
Sycophant wrote: FFS, why are we making keeping even harder than it already is. If a keeper camps on one post and dodge-jumps across to make a save then WELL PLAYED KEEPER. A decent attacker will find ways to counter-act this.

I'm sick of this DB mentality that if someone develops a good skill "it must be stopped".

There is a cronic lack of keepers how it is. Measures to make their job harder will only make it worse.

There is no shortage of goals in clan matches proving keeping is not too easy. It is fine as it is in 1.6. With 1.7 it feels like you've got lead boots on...Reaction time and positioning are key elements of keeping, but making them slower and less agile is MADNESS.

Quadjump is not compensation for the new changes. Stop tampering with a skill that is hard to master. Do you really want no-one willing to play in goal?

Absolutely - well said. I've played this game alot for 6 months now, mostly as keeper. Dodging is a skill, but you generally need great timing and a little luck to catch shots using dodging. If keepers jobs are made any harder I can't see me playing this game much longer. I thought the idea was to make attackers jobs more difficult?

Why are fundamental changes such as this still being made to this game ? These issues should have been finished before version 1.0 came out. You are forcing people to 'relearn' their skill again. Is my six months of playing this game and honing my keeping skills going to be not worth a jot ?

Posted: 10-05-2003 00:54
by NaB
agreed. there are hardly any keepers out there atm as it is. dont make keeping harder or no one will do it

Posted: 10-05-2003 06:18
by Kyllian
Just re-reviewed the initial post of this thread and the comment about reg shots seeming slower and weaker disturbs me

Its hard enough making a reg shot/goal with the charge sound being broadcast

I hope the gun hasn't been nerfed

Posted: 10-05-2003 09:18
by DavidM
ehm, some pages above i already said that we removed the dodge limit, so stop whining :P

Posted: 10-05-2003 14:36
by Onge
So DavidM listened to the community? I take my hat off to you kind sir...Keepers stay as they are and everyone's happy...