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Posted: 25-08-2004 19:16
by R3L!K
A good self volleyer wont allow any of those situations to occur.

A curved setup means the keep is not always sure of the ball flight, esp since its out of his/her line of sight.

The moment the keep moves to intercept the ball or kill the player he's out of position. If he gets it wrong he's out of position and its an easy goal. So where is the need for an unstoppable shot? The nerfed one will do.

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:21
by Esorcismo
R3L!K wrote: The moment the keep moves to intercept the ball or kill the player he's out of position. If he gets it wrong he's out of position and its an easy goal. So where is the need for an unstoppable shot? The nerfed one will do.

If he gets it right he saves it... what's your point?

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:24
by R3L!K
my point is
A good self volleyer wont allow any of those situations to occur.

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:28
by Esorcismo
A good keeper will make it impossible for a self-volleyer to make an unstoppable shot... who are you protecting here, the keep?

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:29
by R3L!K
I'm protecting the mod that I love from being turned into a one move whore fest.

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:31
by Esorcismo
LOL indeed... a one move whore fest... let's get someone else to give some input as I need to see a little more validity and a little less stupidity...

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:37
by priior
oh.. name calling again.

"the Voice of Reason" [size=small](and NA's top scorer)[/size] has spoketh!

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:40
by Weisso
By resorting to name calling and insults, the side supporting the self volley has all but lost the little bit of credibility they seemed to have.

There are many options here for you guys:
A) Quit Deathball
B) Continue bitching about this, though it is a hopeless cause as far as I can see.
C) Get over it, and practice other plays, get better in other areas, and continue on in life.

DavidM made this change because he wanted to, not because of any bitching within the community, and since he is the leader of the mod, I highly doubt that a small portion of the community complaining about something like this will cause him to revert to old settings.


Posted: 25-08-2004 19:42
by priior
pffff weisso.. party pooper.

always there to stop the fun!

Posted: 25-08-2004 19:42
by Esorcismo
NA's top scorer? lol hardly, oh well whatever time to find a game that's not boring... nor will ever be... can't wait for Catalyst's next creation though!

Posted: 25-08-2004 20:00
by Inphidel
ok without attacking anyone or anyones prefered style of game. let me just state this:

I don't think Self-Volley has been a problem at all lately in Regular games. I think by nerfing it you are over-balancing offensive and defensive powers. by limiting the options and offensive player has. I agree with twig 100%. EGO style play is not changed by removing options because EGO style players. are EGO players. reguardless of this system. they still attempt self-volleys. only now the goalies get an easy save. thus frustrating their own team even more. maybe you hope this means they will quit db and you'll be ego free of players. maybe this is true.. but that doenst sound like a community that is growing, only decreasing.

I also totally agree, ego playing is gay. I don't go out and play to be 3l337 pwner w1th 411 the stats... i much prefer a good setup to someone else.

but now: if you get a well deserved breakaway on the keep. your left with less options to score. thus the defense can be more lax. you can either, try and shoot a fast curve or straight shot. or try and get the goalie to come out so you can toss it over or under him with pass. both which any good keeper will save.

or he can wait for a team mate to get a cross volley or whatnot. and by waiting. you mean him boosting up. which also means by then more d will be boosted up etc. its just alot slower in terms of play and action.

the self-volley was one way to try and deke a goalie out. for shame on his team if his defender wasnt there to prevent him from ever finishing a self volley. he should have been.


bottom line is. I think nerfing self-volley is a lame attempt to reduce ego players. which will only slow down the game and take possibilities away from

is there any keepers out there that think the self-volley was overpowerfull? or a tactic that defenders couldn't deal with?

Posted: 25-08-2004 20:06
by Esorcismo
Save it inph, when a better solution arises... then we can have fun again...

Posted: 25-08-2004 22:00
by Twigstir
priior wrote: worst part in all this is.. people will start ignoring twig and he will think he made valid points. :)

simply attacking ur logic.. not making a statement on the game..

the way u jump from one statement to the other is flawed.
Granny smith is a sour apple it causes me heartburn.
therefore, all apples are sour and cuase heartburn.
therefore, macintosh will cause heartburn. don't eat it.

logic 101 states u cant generalize from specific statements.

"self volleys are lame" to "individual shots are lame" is a specific to general move. flawed logic.

and nowhere has it been said individual shots need to be discouraged. (thats something u posted and started using it as truth).

what was said was SPECIFICALLY self volley shots should be discouraged, because THEY are lame... and also, as a side effect, they discourage teamplay.

just doing what ur doing.. picking up other ppl's posts and showing that even if they sound intelligent.. doesnt mean they're right...

I won't flame you. You made a good effort. However, your wrong. Review mathematical if/then statements and you'll see why.

Look at the common aspects - not the whole. Look at the context of the statements and how they are applied.

Granny smith is a sour apple it causes me heartburn.
macintosh is a sour apple it cause me heartburn.
sour apples cause me heartburn.

Statement: Self volleys don't require teamwork and therefore are lame. Don't focus on "self volley". Focus on "lame" and "teamwork".

It's all about the root cause of the problem. It's all about the why.

Posted: 25-08-2004 22:23
by Weisso
I don't understand why you are shifting the focus away from the self volley, seeing as how the self volley is the root of the problem. Without the self volley power being reduced, this thread wouldn't exist.

In terms of focusing on "lame" and "teamwork", these in many ways come from using the self volley to avoid the teamwork, whether by mistake, or on purpose to pad your statistics, and in the end, people think it's lame, especially those who may have been open across the box with the perfect opportunity for a shot.

Now of course, some people will counter with the statement that the person across the way isn't focusing on teamwork, because they will shoot when they get the ball. However, part of the teamwork is knowing who can score well, how you can get open, or draw defenders away, leading to a scoring chance, or when to take the ball, then pass back. In many ways, the self volley shots were the opposite of these values, which is why teams that sometimes depend on these "tricks", for example, don't always have a great deal of success, whereas teams that know when to shoot, and when to pass, without using moves like this, instead choosing to stick to the basics, are often times very successful.


Posted: 25-08-2004 22:42
by Fo|Phoenix
I'm gonna get flamed watch...

I am probably one of the few NA players that could give a shit less about the changes. I'm here to play the flippin game, but it is getting a little old to get in the damn game and hear nothing but pissing and moaning. It is really annoying for me and it is the only thing that is taking the fun out of the game for me. My thing is if u don't like the changes great. Start up your own mod. Make it the way you want and be happy. The rest of us will deal with changes and move on. Don't ruin other's fun by pissing a moaning constantly. It is a game you can play it and love it, or you can hate it and play something else. There is a great difference between giving constructive criticism and bitch and moaning. Personally I think self volley should be slowed in reg games but left untouched in Volley Only. I think that would make most sides happy. Any how I'm off my soap box now. Love me or hate me, I could care less.