I hope you gonna like this map... althought some stuffes have to be changed, that's why I make it now public and wait for your oppinions and ideas of what stuffes should be changed.
THe Screenshots are hopefully viewable now... but i couldnt upload the Map... yet... I'm signing up for Tripod Lycos now... jopefully i get the Registry Mail as soon as possible... (I have to say if u watch the sreens that the map is not that great eyecandymap... yet
Welll.... I do know I speak german a little bit... but if u have to choose from SkyWar and HimmelKrieg... which one is better? The German langueage is much more powerfull then the english just listen a to a Rammstein song and you'll know )))))))
I havnt tried it out yet. :< i'll get it when i get home frmo work and give you a thought out opinion I know i like the idea. I love maps where the player can die from more then just pbox or standard beatdown.