Maybe the coders can do the ball coding more efficiently now and and and that might improve deathball a lot and and im probably wrong and they will fuck it up especially without a team but..
...meh, i like the idea as it is now
Could be a very positive change
i've always been curious as to wether it's the ball including it's weird force field thing that hit's the x-bar or it's the whole thing. Well my bro noob asked me that (i'd never thought of it before myself) and it is kinda interesting... or not.
Personally i don't understand the point of a real ball. I'm all for making db better, but i don't see this making much of a difference... I'm sure you'll correct me 'cause most likely i'll be wrong.
i am trying to think about what making the "ball" a true ball would do to db. I don't see it being a big change but i could be wrong. Unless you include the dirrection of spin into the equation which could change a couple things like the bounce of curve.
Also I am not familar with physics @ all but the spin of the ball effects the way it bounces right? Are you going to try and put that in (would be a very bad idea to do so useless you can make a way to see the dirrection the ball is spining very obviously)
minus the addition of effects of ball spin, what are the other effect? A i can see it just how the ball stops on the ground and the possiblity to volley the ball on the ground instead of being forced to get it above the ground... which doesn't seen like it would change all that much. ppl would just have to get used to it
Mr_Dark wrote:
i have an idea (maby it isn't possible or/and stupid )
why don't you try to change the skin of the bomb
You can already change which static mesh represents the ball with the morphball mutator, plus some clans made custom skins for the default ball many months ago...
NitrousOxide wrote:
You can already change which static mesh represents the ball with the morphball mutator, plus some clans made custom skins for the default ball many months ago...
Irrelevant It's about the mod here and not about mutators every1 already knows of O_o
Anyway, if there's gonna be a round ball,
It's gonna be important whether it's gonna spin or not (and whether it actually has effect).
If it is, skinning is gonna be important, since u'd have to c what way the ball is spinning (like little yellow dots in 1 line over the middle of a blue ball, so u can clearly c it).
kk no1 cares.
Last edited by Messy on 20-11-2003 20:50, edited 1 time in total.