Looking for clan (again)

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Looking for clan (again)

Post by f1end »

Well all my muppet friends are too busy playing CS and BF1942 to get a DB team together, and no1 seems to want to join, so i am giving up and looking for a clan.

Name: F1end
Position: Midfield (attacking)
Clans: Muppet...TEZC...[insert ur clan here]
Playing since: 1.3
Strengths: Passing, volley set-ups, boosting.
I am a team player...put me on a team of ego-whores, and i'll suck...put me on a team that passes and plays together, and I'll be good.

Post, or e-mail meh
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Post by Spawn »

gl :>
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Post by Ars3h »

hf :<
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Post by horus-one »

f1end is a cool guy :)
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Post by Dazlin »

your american right? oO
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Post by Messy »

?O_O lol of course he's not :)

We <3 f1end