cor it takes two ppl to boost.... lets do the math. one person with the ball you (you can't pass to yourself)ok that is 1 person who can't be open, two ppl boosting that is 2 ppl you can't pass to. so that leaves you with what? i whole two ppl that you could pass to one of them being the keeper and that is a risky pass, so quite possibly you have ONE person to pass to and if the d is good it can be hard for a person to get open if the d isn't focusing on stopping the boost like they don't have to becuase of the lack of penix.
Last edited by theberkin8or on 01-11-2003 06:20, edited 1 time in total.
Another possible option is having the "pass to player in the air" feature be an option like sprinting. That way the NA community can keep it on if they want and the euro community can turn it off.
theberkin8or wrote:
soon the picker on O will learn to cover the pass back becuase we will be forced to use it more not to meantion that when boosting everyone is in a pig group generally near the center of the field which blocks the pass to the keeper
Something ive been doing for months because of the way some scrims are played.
Birelli wrote:
Why is passing to a boosted player important for moving the ball up the field quickly? o_O
You just wait until they land or pass using primary fire to where they are going to land (if you know the player well enough to predict this). Either way, the speed of the break is only marginally slowed by not being able to pass to a player in the air, and it stops cheap broomstick tricks, so I don't see why it even needs to be modified.
But honestly.. Whos fault is it that the offense can boost each other? The other team; in my eyes they opposing team should play better D (I have no clue why liebs is talking they have teh wesal) and stop the other teams boosting it's THAT SIMPLE.
But if that is not possible then the best thing to do is charge the ball towards the person who got boosted. I understand that on some tight spots it's hard to charge but having the right mind; and the right timing you should be able pull it off.
liebs19 wrote:
Another possible option is having the "pass to player in the air" feature be an option like sprinting. That way the NA community can keep it on if they want and the euro community can turn it off.
Just because you don't see it as something you want, doesn't mean our community has the same feelings about the subject... on the subject of options, I am of the firm belief that the more options you add to a game, the more customizable it becomes, hence allowing more people to become involved in something, because it suits their taste. I dont really appreciate that all you seem to do is shoot down any idea that could have a positive effect on the north american deathball community, who are you to know what our needs are? who are you to decide what we can and cannot have in a game that we too play, albiet slightly differently... You have no right...
I took your post as being somewhat sarcastic, if it wasn't, I apologize... but the rest of my post still holds viable information on the way most, but not all, of us north american deathballers feel
or instead of having all those options cluttering up the menus... why not have a North American DeathBall Mutator, to configure deathball to a means more suitable for our style of play?
davidm doesnt get affected if na players dont play the last thing he needs are whiny americans. he doesn't care as long as it suits the majority of the people he's fine and dandy.
that's why i'm saying get the friggin euros to help us out on this one.