My prediction on the effects of 1.9

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Post by gemXX »

The day I have trouble getting past a team that pbox camps will be a delightful day indeed, just use your brain and pass around to make space/openings. Use decoy runners/jumpers. Use decoy shots which turn into passes. Take a step back and set up a volley with the acres of time they are giving you by sticking in their area.
The way you decribed the scenario of pbox camping I would laugh at them so hard it would be more painful than funny.

Edit: just another thing I thought, If your always facing 5 men on defence, maybe you need to attack a little faster...
Last edited by gemXX on 30-10-2003 17:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theberkin8or »

lol if you can get the whole team to follow your passes and give you an opening with 5 or even 4 men in the pbox then the team you are playing sucks. cross doesn't work that well if the the d is playing smart (aka fake shots)

maybe not being able to get to O in time is what i am talking about duh+ when you are boosted up you cannot be passed to which gives the d even more time to set up.... read my first post ;)
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Post by gemXX »

Nothings stopping you passing to a player boosted upfield.

i'll now go and play the perfectly fine and fixed 1.9, and you can go and sulk about the shite fucked up 1.9. Bye
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Post by theberkin8or »

this change will force ppl to boost up field more slowly cuz if you boost two ppl the chances of you having an open pass isn't that great therefore my arguement stands
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Post by gemXX »

The quicker you boost the quicker they land the quicker you can pass to them; thatt really gonna slow down attacks!!!!!
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Post by theberkin8or »

um if you die while waiting to pass to them THAT will slow down you attacks
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Post by InSaNe`DB »

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Post by Twigstir »

Pass lock going on and off could = a lot of spammy balls. VO games especially. I guess will see soon enough.
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Post by Inphidel »

gg pass lock
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

I think the pass lock should be done away with completely.
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Post by Armagon »

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Post by Xelent »

Always some noob replying on the thread, and doesnt even follow the issue. Taking out the boost pass ability makes it nearly impossible to score against 5 people in the pbox.

4 people playing man to man, but staying behind the box lines. If you cross into it, you die. If you try to volley, you die and they catch it. If you shoot it you die x3. The only way around that was to send two men back and lob the guy the ball for the slam dunk (because the d was camping). Now, we have the 4 guys on d sitting in the box just waiting and waiting. Against a good defensive team, which is a different standard in different countries, you basically cant score.
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Post by Alars »

like ive said b4, why not make it so the D can be gibbed inside their pbox as well?

they'll spawn about 5 metres away from where they were gibbed anyway

imho this:

a) gives the O a slim chance of getting a clear shot - but they have to be quick, otherwise the D will have spawned again... it will also increase the amount of normal shots on goal.

b) might decrease the amount of pbox camping to some extent as the D now runs the risk of being gibbed themselves...will bring the combat out into the field more..

c) makes DB live up to its name more :p

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Post by theberkin8or »

btw if the first games are nay indiction db is now offically slower there i was right duh
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Post by NitrousOxide »

I've no idea what the specifics are, but max volley shot power is typically 45 m/s, while max charged shot is 33 m/s. What if these values were reversed to encourage attackers to not be volley whores? Although the volley will be less powerful, it still gets the benefit of being an instant shot, rather than being charged for just over a second...

Pbox camping could be discouraged by several things...
1) Remove instagib for all but keeper in pbox
2) Make speed and shot power of players proportional to their health status (so an early successful defence will reduce the odds of the opponents scoring)
3) Limit how long a defender can be in the pbox for before they lose all boosting/damage ability (along lines of basketball, only for defenders)

I still find that the volley radius for interceptions is not as good as it could be. You can have two defenders that are 5 running steps apart, while you are trying to pass to a teammate on the other side of them. Unless you pass through the exact middle of that gap, one of the defenders can intercept the pass with a volley. Anyone else think this value could amost be halved and improve the flow of the game?