most games have about10-20 Goals...
it would be much more exiting if it would be closer games
I agree too, but on the same tolken 30 minutes of missed oppurtunities can get boring. well except for keep - you gotta look at the shot / goal percent when its a highscoring game its probably a high shooting game
we've had this same worry about pbox camping in previous betas... and one option i thought sounded good was players in they're own pbox volly radius/catch radius being reduced (with the exception of goalie) so say it would litterly hafta hit the players avatar there, or be right at the player for him to volly it away.
being a much bigger fan of the smaller sized maps playing volly only /w touch downs. no matter how many people are in the box, we still find a way to score. it just takes alot of feining and giving the people camping a reason to come out of the box. .
but reducing volly and catch radius could help mostly cuz some keeps are gonna get pissed when a ball flyes right by one of his own defenders are putting up nice screens.
if you want to make ppl have to come out of the box, you have to make shooting from outside the box viable. i think stronger shooting is a possible thing to try.
There are various sports where the only person allowed in the p-box is the keeper. This would be a little drastic for DB, but how about a maximum of keeper and 2 defenders in the p-box. If they are strong defenders, then they will be able to block most shots, but a good attacker will get past them about 25-50% of the time and be able to take a shot on goal.
However that would be very annoying as there are times when you legitimately have K+3D in the p-box for example against a four-man attacking rush. So the best option is increase shot power for well-timed shots. A sweet-spot in the power meter when it is at least 98% full, for a really kick-ass shot.
ps. I play keeper (badly), defence and offence so I do have a balanced opinion.
Oh, just thought of the absolute solution to all these problems. Remove boosting. Boosting is kind of lame when you think about it. To be able to instantaneously change your positioning rather than plan ahead. I would much prefer to see a tactical game rather than a game of boosting your whole team into offence or defence, and lame boost tricks.
DB should remove boosting. I never saw any sports where player could boost peoples by hitting them. Also, it's a cheap move that is whored a lot by all the clans. And goals often result cause of this move. If people were running instead of being boosted, the opposing team d would be ready when the o would come. Also, it will be easier to intercept pass when you d (you cant be hit away, only need to be between the guy you cover and the guy that has the ball.
So, I dont know why boosting is still in the game. It make so hard to defend.
Also, we should remove right click pass totally from the game. Who uses these passes anyway, it's only for new players eh.
ive said it a few times a while back. you need to get rid of the advantage of pbox camping to get rid of pbox camping. get rid of instagib in the pbox, then there will be no reason for camping and defenders will be forced to attack the opposition. it would also force them to be more coordinated if they want to kill someone quickly, which would in turn open up holes in the defence giving the offence shooting opportunities. like normal shot oppurtunities, not just for volley whores :p it would open up play drastically imo
No way, cant take out the insta gib in the area. Or you will get people jumping real close to the net letting them selves get hit once and passing it in... you would need about 10 defenders to defend well like that :p