Lunix i think i just lost every little shred of respect i may have ever thought about having for you. That has to the be the single most ignorant thing i have read in a long, long time.
I just hope u were kiddin
Last edited by Pyroteknik on 29-10-2003 16:15, edited 1 time in total.
O look a whole thread started on a mis-quote. If you read it again you will notice I never once distinguished between american or euros. As you have taken it out of its original thread it clearly conveys a different meaning.
Its original meaning was every1 complaining that boostgoals shouldnt have been removed were those that used them and saw nothing wrong with them.
gem my issues isn't with u, it's with stupid mindless comments that are not neccisary and beyond that offensive, uncalled for and just downright fucking rude.