DB 1.9 CHAnges

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by Twigstir »

I don't play in a league and I'm not in a clan. I hardly ever see the broomstick move but I have seen it. 4 [DEAD] players on the same team were doing it on my server tonight. They got hammered by the way, and it hardly ever worked. The move at least took teamwork to pull of. I don't know if removing it is a good thing. To me, no pass lock on boosted players sound funny since there are lots of these passes currently.

Most of the discussion on changes to deathball is all about league play. At least that's how I see it. Lots of talk about skill. From my point of view, just a smuck who plays for fun, deathball has become a game of keybinds and fast computers. Yes, skill is still involved however, it's the clan/league players who rule and the their so called skill level is way above the causal gamer.

What I see is the attacker hanging out by the enemy pbox. A pass all the way from the other end of the field (usually goalie), finds the attacker who redirects and a very fast ball is heading at the goal. Now I'm just a smuck who plays for fun so I'm not sure how all this works. But seeing an attacker never looking at the ball coming from behind him and redirecting the ball at the goal without a hammer sound being heard seems a little too unreal.

In the noob/beginner/just for fun world, seeing a player doing this over and over and over again with an unbelievable success rate makes the game not fun. Add in keybind moves, add in that a player behind you can hammer the ball (hate when a ball is coming right at me and gets hammered away by an unseen player), and the gap between the so called "skilled" and a new players is huge.

Getting behind the incoming ball in such a way so you can time a hammer hit and have the ball head towards the goal should require skill and timing. It should be difficult to do and never be able to totally perfect. The redirecting of balls seems way to easy for the skilled and knowledgeable players. I wish deathball was a little more like real world sports requiring players to look at the ball.

Deathball today is a lot different than deathball a few versions ago. Many changes have been made for the better. However, is deathball today a game a beginner can play? Is deathball for the average gamer? Are the future changes going to make it harder for non-league gamers?

In my eyes this mod is becoming more and more about league play than anything else. The community is much smaller and the gap between noob and skilled is much greater. All I want to say is, give some consideration to how a newbie would view deathball. Would the average newbie stay with it or leave?

Like I said, I just play for fun. I would have more fun playing if the community was larger. A larger community equals more opportunity to have fun. It's concerns me that the community is much smaller today than in the past.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this post is not all about the broomstick. I'm concerned that everyone looks at changes like this in how it will impact league play and not how they will effect deathball in general.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

DiStUrbeD wrote: well duh, cuz europe is deathball


Again, this is why you guys aren't doing a great deal of good for your image. I'd hazard a guess that the antics of surge/sin/quite a few V3 members in saying you're much better players than the euros "kthx" and your style of play is superior, etc, etc, and the general sense of disdain from te whole DeeZ thing has damaged your reputations a LOT (And that's only a few people - unfortunately most of the people who visit this forums and reply to these kind of topics). Not a criticism, just the way I've seen it happen. And it's not everyone (just some of the loudest ones). And you wonder why people don't listen to your opinions :confused: .

Also, twigster - the most part of people playing DB play in the league(s), and the community isn't growing at an exceptionally fast rate (or not at all in the case of NA), so... hrm.
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Post by Sqleaf »

DavidM wrote: now it's just those complaining who used to whore that thing

I appear to be the exception to that rule \o/

I really wouldn't know where to start with broomsticking (which idiot thought up that name anyway?). Even cross vollying is a challenge for me :)

Twigster is kinda right, and also kinda wrong, in my opinion anyway.

New players do need to pick up the game quickly, and boostricks/boostpassing makes the game so hard that they quit early. (maybe thats why you see so few keepers? i dunno)

but new players also need something after the initial impact of the game to get them excited about. Whether thats learning these special moves or how to stop these special moves it gives them something to learn and a reason to continue playing.

Be honest... Pong was great. But once you've figered out that moving ur mouse moves the paddle theres not much more to learn is there? and you get bored with it.

I can see that you have most peoples best interests at heart DavidM well 90% of them infact. And I know that a balance is very difficult to find and your never going to please everyone. (just look at Tactical Ops conefire ;) )

I also know that its your game and that you want to have fun playing it. Of corse you do, you wouldn't make a game u hate would u? :)
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Post by DavidM »

there is soooo much to learn for noobs :)
its just that we are all experienced players, and we dont think about all the stuff anymore, no pong syndrome here :P
its easy to pickup for n00bs, and unlimited stuff to learn
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Post by f1end »

/me has a cunning plan...

Just stop people vollying when they are above the height of a standard quad-jump.
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Post by Twigstir »

DavidM wrote: its easy to pickup for n00bs,

That's the ticket. Evident by the growing community.
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

i really liked davidm's old idea that a volley gets weaker as the player goes higher, you can still make boost passes (they actually do take timing, and are mostly used to get downfield...in NA they are that is) and you cant really whore the broomstick (still possible just a little easier to stop)

and cata, you cant bias the whole community based on a clan or a few members, they are the outspoken and outgoing ones, and they realize this is the internet, and they are going to have fun with it.

Thats the way most of us are, we just have fun, kid around, and enjoy ourselves, even if what we say is a bunch of mindless crap, most of the time nobody is serious (cmon, have you heard anybody in real life call someone a pussy face mask? <3 sin)
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Post by Catalyst88 »

DiStUrbeD wrote: and cata, you cant bias the whole community based on a clan or a few members, they are the outspoken and outgoing ones, and they realize this is the internet, and they are going to have fun with it.

I personally don't bias an ENTIRE community (which you will realise if you actually read some of my posts), but it is annoying and I'm not everyone :eek:

Plus the old idea will not work, because it doesn't prevent people who get boosted to 300m in the air to make the un-interceptable pass...
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Post by CaPøNe »

Created moves,and tricks are everytime stoped with a new DB version....that sucks -.-

When u,DavidM,stop all boosttricks,we can say that 1.9 is 0.9...

Broomstick is a trick that defender can stop...
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Post by Twigstir »

Catalyst88 wrote:
Also, twigster - the most part of people playing DB play in the league(s), and the community isn't growing at an exceptionally fast rate (or not at all in the case of NA), so... hrm.

And this relates exactly to my post.
New players do need to pick up the game quickly, and boostricks/boostpassing makes the game so hard that they quit early. (maybe thats why you see so few keepers? i dunno)
I hardly ever see this. Join a public with pranKstOr and watch him chew up the lesser skilled with the redirect shot. Total slaughters are much more frequent today. I think many newbies quit because they 1.) don't understand and 2.) they get slaughtered.
but new players also need something after the initial impact of the game to get them excited about. Whether thats learning these special moves or how to stop these special moves it gives them something to learn and a reason to continue playing.
Learning things is good. The league is a good thing. But I don't see any of them getting to that point. Most of DB is the league. The rest left. The community is getting smaller. That's not a good thing for the future of deathball.

I gave no yes/no opinion on the 1.9 change. I just wanted to bring light to the non-league and new player aspect of deathball.
Last edited by Twigstir on 29-10-2003 12:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sqleaf »

DavidM wrote: its just that we are all experienced players, and we dont think about all the stuff anymore, no pong syndrome here
You may be right there. Most people comenting here are long-term players and I supose we could be biased in that way.

I dunno if I'm the best defender/sweeper, prob not infact but I do know all the tactics for defending all types of attack. Whether they work or not depends on whether I do them correctly, but i know what I need to do.

All I've got left to learn now are the special attacking moves.. and you've removed them ;)
DavidM wrote: its easy to pickup for n00bs, and unlimited stuff to learn
I don't see many new players at the moment. I got a suggestion about that actually.

When 1.9 is released officially and is being used on all public/clan servers is there a chance you could get FilePlanet to host it for download? I'm not sure if you advertise DBall anywhere but making it available on FilePlanet will dramatically increase the chances of new players downloading and playing it.
Oh, and include a link to #dbpickup somewhere in there. Dunno where though.
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Post by gemXX »

Really really reluctant to post after reading the arrogance/ignorance from some people but anyway...

there was a time a short while ago when all of a sudden boosttricks were "discovered", a few clans decided it was 'teh new DB' so started practicing it and using it in DBL. I see there being 3 types which were whored by these clans:
1. boost player 300ft-pass-volley in.
2. boost player 300ft-pass-catch-fall in area scoring simple shot
3. boost player towards goal under quadjump height, catch or volley.

The 3rd is totally defendable, a team whoring move 3 could be stopped 100% of the time, 1 and 2 are not so however much you argue it. People that say its possible to stop people boosting into the air 100% of the time are deluded; the simple fact that you are the same speed as the boosters means you cant reach them if they are moving away from you.
The new changes to 1.9 manage to stop all 3 types, I wouldnt have had a problem leaving #3 in but the majority of top clans were against all types of boosttricks anyway.

And to end with the most ironic quote i read.
DiStUrbeD wrote: it's not that difficult to defend, and it involves very little luck

if you know what you are doing that is...and the point to mastering a game is to figure out how to do it, no?
Maybe you should apply that to attacking?

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Post by DiStUrbeD »

i really dont give a f-k anymore, euros arent gonna listen to us

its stupid
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Post by Sqleaf »

Was gonna post tactics then.... had a re-think :)
1. boost player 300ft-pass-volley in.
2. boost player 300ft-pass-catch-fall in area scoring simple shot
3. boost player towards goal under quadjump height, catch or volley.
There are ways to defend all those types of play.

And the 3rd is the most difficult to defend i would say.

[edit]For the record I'm not from NA. Errmmm bumper, curb and milky tea ;) [/edit]
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Post by Fallen »

DiStUrbeD wrote: i really dont give a f-k anymore, euros arent gonna listen to us

its stupid
TY distrubed, you have summed it all up... :mad: