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Post by Messy »

Got gravity issues settled? ^^;
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Post by UnrealKrake »

I descided to develop this map the style you all like, so i need suggestions and i will descide, if it is possible to include or not.

Here are some examples which can be discussed.

i) Should it Rotatorcube style ? or a flat field ?

If it should be as rotatorcube, there will be the same problems as there were in Rotatorcube (ball's tail flickers sometimes, irritating bubbles, ?where to place the Ballspawnpoint?). But because it is an easier structured map (only on ceiling and floor can be walked) pass system should work (when developed for normal DB too). Some other minor thingies would cause problems, but i think i could get rid of... should boarders move ?

If it should be a flat field (only walking on floor), it would get a map like most of the other map... using it with low gravity for some alternation ?!

ii) Location and enviroment

Any ideas ?! Space Station, e.g. ?

iii) special things

Other ideas...
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 11-10-2003 17:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

Rotating would be best and if u could do that, pleaaase do it =D That would rock really.

Space Station would fit but i understand ur already doing that for rotatorcube :)

Howbout making it summit industrial, spikey, really dangerous gibball style. Flames etc. (high world detail only of course ;) coz of performance :)) Just use ur imagination for that =D Keyword dangerous :p